[Loch-soilleir] Populace Notes from 2017-08-01

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Aug 1 21:50:18 PDT 2017

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2017-08-01)

Come to Order

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (HL Maggie) - seeking deputy

Audit at Round Table went well

We have a new gate form that will be used at our November event

We have money!


   Herald (Alan)

Submit your heraldry to our herald!


   Chronicler (HL Bia)

Deadline for submissions is the 10th

Please fill out a model release to keep on file so we can use pictures in


   Hospitaler (Lord Marcus) - Open for apps

Houston Press will be at the revel!


   Webminister (Lord Yuuki) - seeking deputy to take over


      Armored (Sir Oliver)

Practice is not, but people are coming out.  Loch is showing well at
regional practices & tourneys.


   Rapier (Lord Diego)

Attendance is low.  Discussing moving dates for practice.


   Missile (Lord Marcus)

Practices have moved to 1st & 3rd Saturday mornings at 8:30 am.


   MoAS (Andrea)

      Scribal Guild (Baroness Katya) - at Pennsic

Every 2nd Monday (except for Pennsic)


   Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag)

July start day missed due to work.  Hoping to pick up in August with bodkin
arrow tips.


   Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey)

Weaving the 2nd & 4th Sunday afternoons in September


   A&S Nights (Lord Marcus)

Met last Friday.  Meeting every other Friday.


   Brewer’s Guild (Centurion Madog)

Last held on July 21.  Cancelled for August 4th due to travel.


   Westside Weavers

Starting blackwork on Wednesday


   Glass Guild

Looking at starting up a lampwork guild


   Ansteorran Lace Guild

Guild was officially recognized by Crown.

Next meeting is August 5th at the Library at Fairmont & Pasadena Library
from 10:30 am - 2:00 pm.


   Seneschal (Master Brian)

Turn reports in on time!  CC the Seneschal and Nobles on your reports.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Update on Fall event (Serpent’s Symposium)

      November 4th 2017 is the date!  It’s official!

      Clear Lake Presbyterian Church is the site.  It’s official!

      HL Bia is event steward

      Bardic & A&S Champions chosen - so come compete

      Collegium style event with arts, science, fighting, and youth tracks.

   Loch Yule

      Date: December 16 or 17

      Site: Undetermined - May be able to use Santa Fe or our populace site


   Summer Revel

   August 6th at Walter Hall Park in League City from 10am - 3 pm.  Houston
   Press is coming out!  Come in garb & let’s show well.  Hopefully we’ll
   attract newcomers and a good story will be published!

Event Calendar


   Pennsic on July 28-August 13 in Slippery Rock, PA.  Huge war with
   fighting and classes galore!

   Stargate Summer Revel is August 19 at Bear Creek Park,  9:30am-3:30 pm.
   More info to come!

   Glasyn’s Artisan of the Flame is August 26 in Denton, Texas.  Annual
   event where the Canton chooses its A&S Champion.  There is a Pelican Circle

   Braggart’s War hosted by the Bonwicke in Bridgeport, TX on September
   1-3.  Steppes vs. Elfsea vs. Bonwicke with melees, tourneys, target
   archery, and A&S.  White Scarf Circle.  Graffin Amelot and HL Colleen are
   being elevated to the Order of the Pelican.

   Shadowlands Open House Demo at A&M on September 3.  Help our friends
   attract new members!

   Laurel’s Prize Tourney is September 9th hosted by Hellsgate in Temple,
   Texas.  Great event for artisans to show a variety of works & get
   feedback.  Laurel Circle.  Brian is sitting vigil & being elevated to the

   Raven’s Fort Defender of the Fort is September 15-17 in Huntsville.
   They will choose all of their champions.

   Mooneschadowe’s Triumphe of the Eclipse is September 15-17 in Cleveland,
   OK.  They will choose all champions but A&S.  MOD & Golden Lance Circles.

   War of Ages by Ffynnon Gath on September 22-24 (San Marcos area).

   Bryn Gwlad Baronial on September 29-October 1 (Fort Hood area).  Variety
   of Marshal & A&S activities.  They will choose their marshal champions.
   Loch Soilleir will dominate with extreme prejudice.

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey


   Baronial Pavilion

Baronial work days at HL Maggie’s on August 26 & 27.

Painting, sanding & staining poles, and creating stencils for pennants!


   Baronial Guard discussion

Armored, rapier, archery, and A&S participants will be needed for Bryn Gwlad


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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