[Loch-soilleir] Populace Notes (2018-02-06)

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Feb 7 09:29:10 PST 2018

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2018-02-06)

Come to Order

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (HL Maggie)

Lady Kite is deputy!  Thank you for stepping up!

You can still be a deputy & learn the office

Maggie’s 2 years in in September.

We had an audit and everything is fine


   Herald (Lord Alan) People are submitting stuff & it is passing at


   Chronicler (HL Bia) Get newsletter submissions in by the 15th


   Hospitaler (Lady Constantia) HMNS Demo on Jan. 27 with the equestrians
   went well. BrazCon Demo on Feb. 3 showed lots of interest!  People have
   been contacted.


   Webminister (HL Elena) Submit content & review for typos please! We will
   have new images up for our registered armory thanks to Lord Alan. We’re
   working on a building a site with handy links for newcomers


   Marshals - Armored (Sir Oliver) Practice on Tuesday at Centennial Park
   at 7. Occasional Thursday practice - watch FB We're getting loaner gear -
   Rapier (DON Diego) Tuesdays at Centennial Park in Pearland and
   Wednesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City. Both at 7.   Come out &
   play! - Missile - Apply if interested.


   MoAS (Lady Margarita) - Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - 1st &
   3rd Sunday afternoons - Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - 1st &
   3rd Sunday afternoons - Brewers (Centurion Madog) - Check the email list -
   Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - 2/17, 3/3, 4/7, 5/12, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/1,
   10/6, 11/3, 12/8 at Fairmont Library in Pasadena

   Seneschal (Master Brian)

Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the month.

April event with Stargate.  We handle feast.

May Co-Baronials - Rhi is steward.  Many hands make light work.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Register for Gulf Wars.  Camping with Coastal! Send tent dimensions to
   HE Brenna of Stargate Food group sign up soon Pre-registration closes
   Feb 14th.  Mark camping with Coastal

   April Event with SG HL Cearra is steward.  Site is in Bellville. Equestrian
   Champion chosen! Will have other fighting activities.  Probably melees. Loch
   runs feast. Thanks to Katya for volunteering to do feast!

   Co-Baronial SG handles feast - Mistress Christyana Mistress Rhiannon
   verch Bryan will steward Need gate coordinator. Site in Winnie.  Winnie
   Stowall Park Armored, Rapier, and Archery Champions chosen Pets allowed
   Cinco de Mayo = Spanish theme!

Event Calendar

- Kingdom A&S on February 10th hosted by Bonwicke in Amarillo.  Huge A&S
competition and Kingdom Artisan & Premier Bard selected.  Laurel Circle.

- Raven’s Fort War College on February 17th in Huntsville, TX.  Melee prep
for Gulf War!

- February 24 - Bjornsborg event and Baronial Investiture in La Vernia, TX

- March 10-18 - Gulf Wars in Lumberton, MS

- March 31 - Commander’s Crucible.  Centurion Circle.

- April 14th - Coronation in Ardmore, OK sponsored by Mooneschadowe.
Usually hosts King’s Champion (armored tourney) as well.

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey
We are wanting to make the 3rd Tuesday of each month a Fighter Practice
where everyone comes out.  Baronial Fellowship.  Bring arts to the park!
Come  and hang out as a Barony.


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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