[Loch-soilleir] July 3 Populace Notes

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Jul 11 20:46:43 PDT 2018

*Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2018-07-03)Come to Order
Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming,
etc.)Officer Reports - Exchequer (HL Maggie) - Kite is deputy Maggie’s
warrant it up soon.  If interested apply. - Herald (Lord Alan) - -
Chronicler (HL Bia)Get newsletter submissions in by the 15 - Hospitaler
(Lady Constantia)New contact sent to Sir Oliver for fighting - Webminister
(HL Elena) Serpent’s Symposium Website is live Distance chart for local
groups added to calendar page Suggestions of Newcomer Page brought up -
Marshals- Armored (Sir Oliver)Practice on Tuesday at Centennial Park at
7.Occasional Thursday practice - watch FB - Rapier (Don Diego)Tuesdays at
Centennial Park in Pearland and Wednesdays at Walter Hall Park in League
City. Both at 7.   Come out & play! - Missile (Baroness Katya) Practice in
Alvin at Christian Church; 1st & 3rd Sat, 9a-11a - MoAS (Lady Margarita) -
Seeking Deputy- Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - On hold until
August- Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - On hold until August-
Brewers (Centurion Madog) - Watch the email list- Lace Guild (Mistress
Delphina) - 7/7, 8/4, 9/1, 10/6, 11/3, 12/8 (other A&S welcome) - Fairmont
Library in Pasadena- Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from
3-6p at Central Market- Melinda’s church has craft nights at 6:30p (same
location as archery practice)- Seneschal (Master Brian)Officers: Get
reports in by the 6th of the month.Old Business None at this timeUpcoming
Baronial Events - Revel in the park in August; will work out details-
Serpent’s Symposium II: The Return (August 25)- Steward is Lord Alan
Wemyss- Class event - Elena is coordinator.  Setting up tracks. Bardic,
Middle Eastern.  - A&S and Bardic Champions chosen- Coastal Theme- Kingdom
event bids- Consider Kingdom A&S in February- Feel free to think of hosting
a “kingdom Symposium” (Fiber Arts, Bardic, etc)- Crown Tournament- Loch &
Stargate will share a pavilion & have a potluck lunch - check FacebookEvent
Calendar - July 14th - Crown Tournament in Wimberley, TX. Chivalry Circle.-
July 21 - Roundtable in Denton, TX. Warranting classes & officer meetings.
Learn how the sausage is made!- July 28 - Kingdom Middle Eastern Symposium
in Athens, TX.  Classes on various aspects of Middle Eastern studies.-
August 4 - Ansteorran Heraldic & Scribal Symposium in Stillwater, OK.
Classes on heraldry and scribal arts.Nobility’s Closing Words - Their
Excellencies Krag & HennesseyAdjourn*

In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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