[Loch-soilleir] moving on

Matt Gilson madogofglastonbury at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 29 10:23:13 PDT 2018

Loch family-

I know I haven’t been around much lately – life happens.  As part of that life, Brylce and I are relocating to the Outlands (Gilpin, CO to be exact).  I started my SCA life in the Outlands, it’ll be neat to make my way back.

In the mundane world, I’ll still be in the space business.  I’ll be working for Sierra Nevada on the dream Chaser project.

My last day in town will be Oct. 12.  I will make it to populace next week to say goodbye to those of you who are there.  Beyond that, while we always knew we wanted to do this eventually, the actual process came up pretty quickly.  There’s just too many people to connect with, and too many other things to do in parallel, to manage much more than an impersonal email.

Hopefully our life changes will allow us to start making it to some of the major events again soon, so I’m sure I’ll run into some of you out there – one of the many things I  love about the SCA network.

Cheers until then,

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