[Loch-soilleir] Populace Minutes from 2019-08-06

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Aug 7 13:04:20 PDT 2019

*Come to Order*            - 7:30pm

*Nobility’s Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

*Officer Reports*

-          Exchequer (Lady Kite) - June report has been submitted. We have

-          Herald (Lord Alan may be extended until position is filled) –
Submit heraldry! Office is open for applications until 9/15. Submit to
Southern Regional, Seneschal, and B&B.

-          Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th with
goal to publish by 1st. September edition may come out a day early. Still
gathering photos of all officers to include in newsletter. Also collecting
new model/photographer releases. The Baroness encouraged all to submit
activity photos for the newsletter.

-          Hospitaler (OPEN FOR APPS) - One application has been received.

-          Webminister (HL Elena) -Looking for deputy to possibly take over
in 5 months; submit stuff!

-          MoAS (Mistress Delphina) -

-          Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - No meeting in July.
Planning a class on heat-treating in August (maybe 25th). Look for
announcement on Facebook and email.

-          Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - No meeting in July. Will
meet same day as Armoring/Smithing in August.

-          Lampwork Guild (Duchess Ebergardis) - Looking to get started in
the cooler Fall

-          Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - met July 6th with 7 people

1st Saturday of each month from 1-4, Fairmont Library in Pasadena. (Next
meeting 9/7)  All A&S is welcome.

-          Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-6p at
Central Market

-          Marshals

-          Armored (OPEN FOR APPS) -   Don Crowley is acting marshal
Tuesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City (location change effective in
August). Lots of folks have been attending, with some great instructing

-          Rapier (Don Diego)

Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City.  Both at 7.
Come out & play!

-          Missile (OPEN FOR APPS) - George willing to assist with
practices if someone is willing to transport and set up targets.

-          Seneschal (Lady Karen)

-          Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the month.

-          Attended required Seneschal and Exchequer classes at Roundtable.

 *Old Business*

-          Crown Tournament - Yay Sven and Christyana!

-          News from Roundtable

-          Changes in discussion to change Family Max to include up to age

-          New Kingdom Webminister, so look for updates to website

-          Mandatory 3 year confidence pollings for B&Bs has been abandoned.

*New Business*

-          Support to the reign of Sven and Christiana

-          Silk Banners for Kingdom Champions

-          Largesse will be collected at Serpent’s Symposium III

-          Volunteer for entourage if interested. Talk to B&B.

-          Bid submitted to hold Royal Huntsman (for Kingdom Archery
Champion) at SS III

*Upcoming Baronial Events*

-          August 24 - mini Revel in Santa Fe. Please wear garb. Planned
for 11-5 with a Pot Luck lunch at 1:00pm. Free event. Bring friends!

-          October 4-6 - Serpent’s Symposium III - A Celebration of

-          Many volunteer opportunities to help at the event - contact

-          There will be LOTS of kids activities.

-          Kids are FREE as well as college students with ID and SCA

-          The baronial A&S and Bardic champions will be chosen.

-          Ichigo-Con Demo (Nov. 2) being coordinated by Delphina

            *Fighting demonstration ~9:00 AM to 10:00 AM*

*One or two craft tables*

*Photo Op heraldry (banners, garb, etc.)*

*One or two tables - one for the lace guild and the other for Loch. *

-          Submitting a bid for January Crown, to be held at the Livingston

*Event Calendar*

-          August 30-Sept 02 - Braggart’s War, Chico,TX.

-          A fun war - this year between the Unicorns and the Dragons.

-          Hosted by Baronies of Elfsea, Steppes, Bonwicke

-          Loch is fighting for the Dragons (Serpent’s unite!)

-          Look for a “Loch Goes to Braggart’s” Facebook event

-          Sept 1 - Shadowlands Texas A&M University Demo

-          Sept 6-8 - Bryn Gwlad 40th - Roman-themed event at Castleton
site in Austin

-          Sept 14 - Laurel’s Prize Tournament, Victoria, TX. A
non-competitive A&S event where bodies of work are displayed in order to
receive feedback from Laurels. Need to register to display.

-          Sept 19-22 - Ansteorra 40th Year, Cleveland OK. A celebration of
all things Ansteorra.

-          Sept 27-20 - Three Centurions, Hawkins, TX. Camping event.

*Nobility’s Closing Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

*Adjourn *- 8:50pm

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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