[Loch-soilleir] Reports needed for the Serpent's Tale

Chronicler of Loch Soilleir chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Thu Jun 27 12:09:49 PDT 2019

Greetings unto the Loch!

The first of July is on Monday! Populace is Tuesday!

Officers, if you want your report to be included in the Serpent's Tale, it
must be in my inbox by 5pm tomorrow (Friday, June 28) - I will be traveling
this weekend, so I'm finalizing the newsletter tomorrow night.

Populace members! If you have something you want to give wordfame for -
whether to toast another member in the Loch or the Kingdom, or to brag on
something you did yourself, this is your time! The Serpent's Tale is going
to be hosting a quarterly "Toasts and Boasts" section where we can all
celebrate the cool stuff we're doing. Did you finish a big project? Learn a
tricky calligraphy hand? Celebrate a milestone? Win an award? Witness
someone doing something great?

Any of those (and more!) are needed for this volume of the Serpent's Tale.
We won't do this again until October, so think of things that people did at
various events this spring and laud them publicly for it!

Hoping to hear from you soon, and apologies on the short notice - the end
of June snuck up on me!

Yours in service,

Lady Anne atte Rydeforde
Chronicler, Loch Soilleir
"That was overcome, so may this be." - The Deor

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