[Loch-soilleir] Populace Minutes from 2019-10-01

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Oct 8 09:10:58 PDT 2019

Please excuse any typos.

*Come to Order*            at 7:35 pm

*Nobility’s Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

*Officer Reports*

-          Exchequer (Lady Kite) - Money is good.

-          Herald (OPEN FOR APPS) –

-          Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th with
goal to publish by 1st.

-          Hospitaler (Master Brian) - Email account is now working.

-          Webminister (HL Elena) -Looking for deputy to possibly take over
in 3 months. Lady Anne is interested and will contact Elena. Always looking
for suggestions to improve website. Submit stuff!

-          MoAS (Mistress Delphina) -

            LPT had a very good showing from the Loch - both entrants and
participating Laurels.

-          Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - Met and had heat
treating demo. Visitors from Ravensfort.

-          Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - Officially met. Weaving
was done.

-          Lampwork Guild (Duchess Ebergardis) - Several one-on-ones were

-          Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - Met Sept 7th.  1st Saturday of
each month from 1-4, Fairmont Library in Pasadena. (Next meeting ?)  All
A&S is welcome.

-          Thursday Guild – Currently working on decorations and other
things needed for our Oct event. Made/contributed Largess for the Gluckhaus

-          Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-6p at
Central Market.

-          Marshalls

-          Armored -   Don Crowley is acting marshal Tuesdays at Walter
Hall Park in League City. Around 8 folks have been attending. All waivers
have been submitted for September. Issue with reporting link on website.

-          Rapier (Don Diego) - Tuesdays at Walter Hall Park in League
City. Come out & play!

-          Missile (OPEN FOR APPS) - George has inspected all the Loch bows
and arrows. Roland is working toward his marshallate, so that he can apply
for the position.

-          Seneschal (Lady Karen)

-          Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the month.

-          Nicollette currently acting Kingdom Seneschal

 *Old Business*

-          Silk Banners for Kingdom Champions. 8 banners were completed and
shown at the meeting. They will be displayed at our October event.  Also
made poles and carrying bags.

-          Royal Huntsman awarded to the Loch.

-          Submitted a bid for January Crown, to be held at the Livingston
site. Looking for youth activities to include.

*New Business*

-          Loch Yule - Easy event. Anyone interested in being Autocrat
please let us know.

-          Coastal Grand Baronial - It is our turn to be prime Autocrat.
There will be assistants from each of the other baronies.

*Upcoming Baronial Events*

-          October 4-6 - Serpent’s Symposium III - A Celebration of

-          Everything's coming together!

-          The baronial A&S and Bardic champions will be chosen.

-          Ichigo-Con Demo (Nov. 2) being coordinated by Delphina

-          Brian and several others have volunteered to participate

*Event Calendar*

-          Oct 4-6 - Serpent’s Symposium III

-          Oct 12 - Fall Coronation, Dallas, TX.

-          Oct 18-20 - Bjornsborg Fall Event - Valkyrfelt II, Seguin, TX
(Nolte Island)

-          Oct 25-27 - Seawinds Defender, (35th Anniversary) A Viking
Invasion, Mathis, TX

-          Nov 8-10 - Fall Queen’s Champion (Shadowlands), Rockdale, TX

-          Nov 21-24 - War of the Rams, Colmesneil, TX

*Nobility’s Closing Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

*Adjourned* at 8:30 pm

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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