[Loch-soilleir] Populace Minutes from 2019-09-03

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 4 16:12:35 PDT 2019

*Come to Order*            at 7:35 pm

*Nobility’s Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

*Officer Reports*

-          Exchequer (Lady Kite) - We have money. June and July reports
were signed.

-          Herald (OPEN FOR APPS) – Office is open for applications until
9/15. Submit to Southern Regional, Seneschal, and B&B. Currently no

-           Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th with
goal to publish by 1st. Looking for all kinds of articles and pictures to

-          Hospitaler (Master Brian) - Congratulations to Master Brian on
becoming our new Hospitaler.  Trying to locate existing loaner garb.

-          Webminister (HL Elena) -Looking for deputy to possibly take over
in 4 months; submit stuff! Event page is up.

-          MoAS (Mistress Delphina) -

-          Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - Met Aug 18th. Next
meeting planned for Sunday, 9/8 from 4-6pm. This will be a heat treating

-          Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - Met Aug 18th. Next
meeting planned for Sunday, 9/8 from 4-6pm. Will work on box loom projects
- warping, types of yarn, etc. A group from Ravensfort is expected to
attend “Forge and Fiber”.

-          Lampwork Guild (Duchess Ebergardis) - Looking to get started in
the cooler Fall

-          Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - Met Aug 3rd with 2 people
attending.1st Saturday of each month from 1-4, Fairmont Library in
Pasadena. (Next meeting 9/7)  All A&S is welcome.

-          Thursday Guild – Currently working on decorations and other
things needed for our Oct event.

-          Informal A&S get together – (Dmitri Satore) Aug 24th 4 members
and 2 non members attended.

-          Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-6p at
Central Market

-          Marshals

-          Armored -  Don Crowley is acting marshal Tuesdays at Walter Hall
Park in League City. Around 8 folks have been attending, with some great
instructing provided.

-          Rapier (Don Diego)

Tuesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City. Come out & play!

-          Missile (OPEN FOR APPS) - George willing to assist with
practices if someone is willing to transport and set up targets.

-          Seneschal (Lady Karen)

-          Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the month.

 *Old Business*

-          Silk Banners for Kingdom Champions. Making 8 banners. Still need
a few more donations.

-          Bid submitted to hold Royal Huntsman (for Kingdom Archery
Champion) at SS III

-          August 24 - mini Revel in Santa Fe. 30-40 people attended. There
was a jewelry making class.

-          August 30-Sept 02 - Braggart’s War, Chico,TX.

-          Submitting a bid for January Crown, to be held at the Livingston
site. Bid is due October 1. Looking for youth activities to include.

*New Business*

-          None

*Upcoming Baronial Events*

-          October 4-6 - Serpent’s Symposium III - A Celebration of

-          Many volunteer opportunities to help at the event - contact

-          There will be LOTS of kids activities.

-          Kids are FREE as well as college students with ID and SCA

-          The baronial A&S and Bardic champions will be chosen.

-          Ichigo-Con Demo (Nov. 2) being coordinated by Delphina

            *Fighting demonstration ~9:00 AM to 10:00 AM*

*One or two craft tables*

*Photo Op heraldry (banners, garb, etc.)*

*One or two tables - one for the lace guild and the other for Loch. *

*Event Calendar*

-          Sept 6-8 - Bryn Gwlad 40th - Roman-themed event at Castleton
site in Austin

-          Sept 14 - Laurel’s Prize Tournament, Victoria, TX. A
non-competitive A&S event where bodies of work are displayed in order to
receive feedback from Laurels. Need to register to display. Support the
Shire of Seawinds by volunteering for Gate or lunch prep.

-          Sept 19-22 - Ansteorra 40th Year, Cleveland OK. A celebration of
all things Ansteorra.

-          Sept 27-20 - Three Centurions, Hawkins, TX. Camping event.
Includes archery.

-          Oct 4-6 - Serpent’s Symposium III

-          Oct 12 - Fall Coronation, Dallas, TX.

*Nobility’s Closing Words* - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

*Adjourned* at 8:25 pm

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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