[Loch-soilleir] February Populace Notes - Take 2

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Fri Feb 7 19:39:33 PST 2020

Apologies - I forgot the list server strips out attachments. The minutes
are below:

 Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Minutes (2020_02_04)

Come to Order

Nobility’s Words - Her Excellency Hennessey welcomed all to the meeting.

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (Lady Kite) - Not present. Others reported on the Loch’s
   portion of the profit from Crown Tourney.

   Herald (OPEN FOR APPS)

   Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th, goal to
   publish by 1st. Looking for a replacement, as Lady Anne will be moving out
   of the area in May. Lady Lilius has expressed an interest in applying for
   the position.

   Hospitaler (Master Brian) -

      The Pasadena library requested that we help youth build boffer
      weapons and then hold a tournament. This is not feasible under the youth
      combat rules and so we are looking for another way to contribute to their

      Sherwood Forest Faire is allowing SCA participation again this year
      and a meeting was held at Candlemas to discuss how each barony
could host a
      weekend. The Loch members are currently committed to other
activities this
      year during the Faire. We hope to participate next year.

      The Pasadena library is hosting a carnival March 7th and has invited
      us to have an information and demo table. Brian will coordinate with
      Mistress Delphina and see what is needed/desired.

   Webminister (HL Elena) - (OPEN FOR APPS) Elena’s time in the position is
   complete. She has made several additional updates to the website and we
   thank her for her service in this position.

   MoAS (Mistress Delphina) - Not present. Armoring/Smithing Guild,  Fiber
   Arts Guild, and Lampwork Guild have all been busy supporting the current
   Crown. Lace Guild meets the 1st Saturday of each month from 1-4, Fairmont
   Library in Pasadena. All A&S is welcome. Stargate has scribal on the 1st &
   3rd Sundays from 3-6p at Central Market.


   Marshalls - Two practices were held in January. Regular practice takes
   place at Walter Hall Park in League City at 7-ish for both Chiv and
   Rapier (Don Crowley). Missile Marshal is still open, but Karl has committed
   to seeing that Roland gets authorized at Gulf Wars, so that he can apply
   for the position.  Some form of combat archery is coming to rapier. Expect
   to see rubber band guns.


   Seneschal (Lady Karen)

      Officers: Get reports in by the 5th of the month.

      Kingdom bids due by February 7:

         Heraldic & Scribal Symposium

         King's College

      Report from Roundtable

         Avery Shaw is the new Kingdom Seneschal

         Antigone is the new Media Liaison

         There is a new deputy for Kingdom Law Compliance

         There is a new deputy for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Master
         Don Rene Damours is available to train any interested groups.

         Society website has been revamped

         Raffles are not allowed. Online fundraisers cannot be associated
         with SCA pages. No Go-Fund-Me on SCA pages. Silent auctions
at events are

         B&Bs can not autocrat events.

         7 Kingdom events will be 17&under free. Bids must include 3 hours
         of kids activities that are included in the budget.
Coordinate with Kingdom
         MOC if ideas are needed.

Old Business


   January Crown Tournament - WE HAVE HEIRS! A nice profit was made for the
   barony. The weather kept many people away.

New Business


   Gulf Wars - There will be a food plan that covers breakfast, dinner, and
   snacks. We are hosting Chili night. Look for a signup sheet for set up,
   serving, and tear down.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Stargate/Loch Event - Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius being held April
   17-19 at Livingston

      Loch will be hosting a food tavern for lunch. No feast.


   Coastal Grand Baronial being held May 1-3 at Livingston. Will include a
   Hero theme. Need to get the event ad turned in by March 1.


   Loch Fall Event October 23-25. We will investigate a new site that the
   city of Santa Fe has acquired.

Event Calendar


   Feb 8 - Kingdom A&S (Burkburnett, TX)

   Feb 14-16 - War College (Livingston, TX)

   Feb 21-23 - Bjornsborg Feuding Families and Eistoffod (Hedwig, TX)

   Feb 29 - Sable Legionnaire (Terrell, TX) This event will be free for all

   Mar 14-22 - Gulf Wars

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35.

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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