[Loch-soilleir] Minutes from 1/7/2020 Populace Meeting

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Jan 8 09:44:28 PST 2020

Here are the notes from last night's meeting. Please excuse any typos or

Come to Order at 7:45

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (Lady Kite) - Net change in assets for 2019 was -$156. Kite’s
   term in office is up in October of this year. She is still looking for a
   deputy who might be interested in taking over the office. Please contact
   her if you are interested.

   Herald (OPEN FOR APPS)

   Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th with goal to
   publish by 1st. Anne may be moving out of the area and so is looking for
   someone interested in taking over the position.

   Hospitaler (Master Brian) - We have had several new folks out at fighter
   practice. It appears the new location is better for attracting interested
   public. The Pasadena library has requested we participate in their summer
   programs. There may also be future requests from the Friendswood library,
   our new Populace location.

   Webminister (HL Elena) - (OPEN FOR APPS) Elena’s time in office is
   complete. Looking for a replacement. We do need a webpage created for the
   Spring event.

   MoAS (Mistress Delphina) - The current Deputy MoAS has temporarily moved
   out of the area. Elena held a parchment making day that was very
   productive. Elena is also interested in starting up Charter Painting again.
   Most guild heads were not present to report.

         Armoring/Smithing Guild (Baron Master Krag) -

         Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) -

         Lampwork Guild (Duchess Ebergardis) -

         Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - 1st Saturday of each month from
         1-4, Fairmont Library in Pasadena.  All A&S is welcome.

      Thursday Guild – Not currently meeting

         Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-6p at Central


      Armored - Don Crowley is acting marshal Tuesdays at Walter Hall Park
      in League City. Around 8 folks have been attending.

      Rapier  - Tuesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City. Come out &

      Missile (OPEN FOR APPS) - Roland is working toward his marshallate,
      so that he can apply for the position. He encouraged all Loch archers to
      contribute to the war point at Gulf Wars this year.
      - Seneschal (Lady Karen)

         Officers: Get reports in by the 5th of the month.

         New Proof of Insurance is available to those who need a copy.

         Kingdom bids due soon:

            Due by Crown Tournament:

               Spring Coronation

               Spring Queen's Champion

            Due by February 7:

               Heraldic & Scribal Symposium

               King's College

 Old Business


   Loch Yule - Folks attended and had fun.

   Request from Pasadena Library for summer program help - Brian working to
   see how we can accommodate their request while staying within SCA
   guidelines for youth participation.

New Business


   Date for Fall event is being submitted for the weekend of October 24th.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   January Crown - Need setup folks. Watching the weather closely to see
   when to set up pavilions. Henessy will pick up trailer on Thursday and is
   looking for help loading Thursday night.

   Stargate/Loch event - Stargate is considering doing a Squires and Cadets

   Coastal Grand Baronial - Bia has volunteered to autocrat. The Livingston
   site is tentatively available.

Event Calendar


   Jan 10-12 - Crown Tournament (Livingston, TX)

   Jan 18 - Roundtable (Denton, TX)

   Feb 1 - Bryn Gwlad Candlemas (will include a C&T tourney)

   Feb 8 - Kingdom A&S (Burkburnett, TX)

   Feb 14-16 - War College (Livingston, TX)

   Feb 21-23 - Bjornsborg Feuding Families and Eistoffod (Hedwig, TX)

   Mar 14-22 - Gulf Wars. Registration instructions are changing and will
   be coming soon. Loch is hosting Chili night this year.

Adjourn at 8:40.

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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