[Loch-soilleir] March Populace Notes

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Mar 4 16:23:07 PST 2020

Here's what happened at Populace this month!

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Notes (2020_03_03)

Come to Order at 7:40pm

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (Lady Kite) - We still have money.

   Herald (OPEN FOR APPS) –

   Chronicler (Lady Anne) - Submissions are due by the 20th, goal to
   publish by 1st. Looking for a replacement. One application has been
   received. Plan to close applications at the end of March.

   Hospitaler (Master Brian) -

      Pasadena Library demo opportunity this Saturday (3/7). No fighting,
      just displays and meet and greet. This is during the Library’s
carnival and
      book fair.

      Sherwood Faire demo - Sign up to help anytime you are available. The
      B&B will be there on 3/29. Participants are asked to wear head coverings.

   Webminister - (OPEN FOR APPS) Submit Stuff

   MoAS (Mistress Delphina) - This office is also open for applications, as
   Mistress Delphina will be moving away from the area this summer. We will
   close applications at the end of April.

      Armoring/Smithing Guild (Baron Master Krag) - Trying to do a meetup
      at Gulf Wars. Otherwise, the next meeting will probably be in June.

      Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - Same as above.

      Lampwork Guild (Duchess Ebergardis) - Looking to meet after

      Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - 1st Saturday of each month from 1-4,
      Fairmont Library in Pasadena. This month’s meeting is superseded by the
      demo.  All A&S is welcome.

      Thursday Guild – Not currently meeting

      Stargate has scribal on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-6p at Central
      Market. Katya has offered to restart a local meeting.



      Armored (Don Crowley) - Tuesdays 7:00 at Walter Hall Park in League

      Rapier (Don Crowley) - Tuesdays 7:00 at Walter Hall Park in League
      City. A bid is being put together for new loaner gear. We have
had lots of
      new folks coming out..

      Missile (OPEN FOR APPS) - Karl said he will see that Roland gets
      authorized at Gulf Wars, so that he can apply for the position.


   Seneschal (Lady Karen)

      Officers: Get reports in by the 5th of the month.

      Please apply for open office positions

Old Business


   Gulf Wars - Food group has been setup. There will be a chore list posted
   soon. Still need help with Chili night (setup, cooking/serving, teardown).
   A garage pavilion will be set up for Chili night.

New Business


   HE Krag has obtained permission to use the large training area at his
   workplace to paint the baronial pavilion. Look for a date.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Coastal Grand Baronial Championships - The Livingston site has been
   reserved. There will be a planning meeting during Gulf Wars to finalize the

   Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius - The autocrat, Lothar, attended our
   populace meeting to answer any questions we might have. We will be hosting
   a lunch tavern that will be sold at the gate.

   Loch Fall Event - Will continue the tradition as Serpent’s Symposium IV.
   Looking for an autocrat.

Event Calendar


   Mar 14-22 - Gulf Wars

   Mr 27-29 - Hellsgate Commander’s Crucible (Belton, TX)

   Apr 3-5 - Elfsea Defender (and Elena’s elevation) (Hamilton, TX)

   Apr 10-12 - Spring Coronation (Ardmore, OK)

   Apr 17-19 - Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius

   May 1-3 - Coastal Grand Baronial Championships

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

Adjourned at 8:15.

In Service,
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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