[Loch-soilleir] New Kingdom COVID Policy

Baroness of Loch Soilleir baroness at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 28 16:06:30 PDT 2021

Please take a minute to read the new policy from the Crown and our Kingdom

Beloved Ansteorra,

By now, most of you have seen the new policy from the Board of Directors
which permits Kingdoms to require either vaccinations or recent (72 hours)
negative COVID tests.  If not, it is linked below.  This policy is,
understandably, quite controversial.  Truth be told, there is no perfect
answer to this situation.  We are all volunteers doing the best we can for
this game we love.

During the time of this horrible virus, we have all suffered loss.  We have
lost friends and loved ones, needed social interaction which is important
for mental health, financial stability, and countless other important
things I cannot imagine.  We recognize that this is a difficult time for
everyone.  For many people, the SCA is a vital aspect of their social
interaction and they long for the days of a return to pre-virus normalcy.
Unfortunately, doing so at this time is simply irresponsible.  However, we
have worked to ensure our risks are as minimal as possible at every step of
the way.

With this in mind, Ansteorra WILL implement the Board policy starting
October 15, 2021.  With this implementation, we will be altering our
reopening policy.  As of October 15, 2021, indoor activities over 25 people
are permitted, but all attendees aged 3 and older must wear masks, except
while eating and drinking.  Masks will no longer be required for outdoor
activities except for those children aged 3-11, per Board policy.  The food
policy has not changed at this time.  As a reminder, this policy requires
full vaccination, which means 14 days AFTER all required doses.  For more
information on getting vaccinated, including how to handle a lost
vaccination card, please visit the CDC website:

This policy is compulsory.  Failure to abide by this policy may result in
ejection from site and sanctions for individuals and suspension of the
ability to host activities for groups.  Further, this applies to all
in-person SCA functions, including fighter practices, meetings, and events.

Those who wish to still wear masks are encouraged to do so.  Everyone is
required to respect the personal space of others.  Please remember that we
are a Society founded on the principles of chivalry, courtesy, and honor.
We must treat each other accordingly.  Groups are also encouraged to
implement virtual aspects into their activities so more people may
participate safely.

We are constantly monitoring the situation and have been encouraged by the
downward trend in Texas and Oklahoma.  If this changes, we will alter our
reopening accordingly.  For those who are concerned about modern law in
Texas, current Executive Orders and Legislation in the state of Texas are
very narrowly tailored and do not prohibit the SCA from enacting this
policy in Texas.  The state of Oklahoma has issued no similar Order or

For those of you with questions, comments, or concerns regarding this
policy, you may email kingdom at seneschal.ansteorra.org.  Do not send me
messages or tag me on social media and expect a response.  I will be
hosting "office hours" to discuss implementing this policy over the next
two weeks.  Please stay tuned for more details.

Link to Board policy:

Link to FAQ from the Board:


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, CB, WSA
Ansteorra Seneschal
Hennessey O'Donoghue
Baroness of Loch Soilleir

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