[Loch-soilleir] Populace Meeting Notes - 4/5/2022

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Apr 12 09:10:53 PDT 2022

thanks for being available to do populace
In Service,
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 5:46 PM Brian O'hUilliam <brianoftheloch at gmail.com>

> Apologies for the delay.  Below are the notes for April populace.
> Brian,
> Deputy Seneschal
> *Come to Order*
> *Nobility Words*
> *Officers:*
> *Chron (open)* - Trying to get access to Chronicler email so
> Deputy Seneschal can make new ones.  Office is open for apps.
> *Webmin* (Elena, acting) - open for apps.  Elena is still updating things.
> *Hospitaler* (Brian) - Got several looks at our IG account over Gulf Wars
> utilizing the #CoastalGoesToWar, but have not seen new members.  Spoke to
> members of an Armored Combat Group about joint ventures.  Pearland may due
> a Ren Fest in the future.
> *Marshal* -
> *Rapier*: (Sicilia) Things going well.  Independence Park at 7 on Thursday.
> *Armored*: Had fighters.  People on discord are wondering when we will have
> regular fighter practice for chiv.
> *Missile:* Need marshal
> *A&S *- (Katya) – Gulf Wars
> *Exchequer *- (Saereid) – not present
> *Seneschal* - (Ebe) – Please help with events
> *Upcoming Baronial Events*
>    *Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius* - Stargate hosts, but we help.  Meetings
> via Zoom on Wednesday.  We need marshals to help and gate workers.  Next
> weekend!!!!!!
>    *Co-Baronial* – Duke Ulsted is running in charge!  Many hands make light
> work – we need gate workers, marshals, set-up/tear down help, and
> waterbearing.
> *Exciting announcements*
> - Congrats to Don Diego, QC, for being announced to join the Order of
> Defense.  Details coming soon.  Congrats!!!
> - Also, our rapier champion was made a White Scarf.  Congrats Don Santiago!
> *Events of Note*
> (4-9) Crown in Bjornsborg this weekend
> (4-16) Squires & Cadets at Livingston
> (5-7) Co-Baronials at Livingston
> (5-14) Round Table (Virtual)
> *Closing Words*
> _______________________________________________
> Loch-Soilleir mailing list
> Loch-Soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/loch-soilleir-ansteorra.org

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