[Loch-soilleir] Populace Baronial Candidate Questions

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Mon Dec 5 12:10:20 PST 2022

Thank you! Ebe

On Mon, Dec 5, 2022, 13:33 Baroness of Loch Soilleir <
baroness at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> Tomorrow night is Populace. We will have a Q and A with the baronial
> candidates. If you would like to ask a question please fill out this form
> by tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm. All questions will remain anonymous and
> will be asked by our baronial seneschal.
> We encourage all in the barony to attend. Populace will be both in person
> at Friendswood Library and virtually on Zoom. The meeting link will be
> posted Tuesday by 6:00 pm.
> Polling will be online and open after populace.
> Our Kingdom seneschal will be joining us virtually and will explain the
> polling process to the populace.
> We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.
> https://forms.gle/YXTR459tdjvBQk6E8
> --
> Hennessey O'Donoghue
> Baroness of Loch Soilleir

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