[Loch-soilleir] Landed Nobility Transition Timeline

Baroness of Loch Soilleir baroness at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Wed Oct 5 19:08:31 PDT 2022

As announced at populace, the following is the timeline of the Landed
Noblity transition as provided by the Kingdom Seneschal.

Tuesday, October 4: Informational meeting held at populace.

Tuesday, October 18: Deadline to declare baronial candidate status.

Monday, October 24: Candidate names and brief single-page candidate let-
ters are posted to your webpage and any social media used by the baro- ny.
The candidate letters should include contact information for the candidates.

November newsletter: Final opinion poll with the baronial candidate let-

Tuesday, December 6: If needed, any question/answer session at populace
meeting. Polling information will be provided to the populace and polling
will be open on-line for 1 week.

Tuesday, December 13: Online polling is closed. In addition, all letters to
the Crown and Heirs are due.

Candidate interviews will take place at the discretion of the Heirs.

End of December: The Crown and Heirs announce their final decision

Saturday, January 28: Investiture of the new Nobles of Loch Soilleir!
Hennessey O'Donoghue
Baroness of Loch Soilleir

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