[Loch-soilleir] Investiture Thanks

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 19:59:01 PST 2023

Dear Friends,

Elena & I cannot adequately express our gratitude for the support we have
received.  We tremendously appreciate everyone's kind words and hard work.
First, We must thank the Stellar Crown, Creppin & Toryn II, for their trust
in us.  Thank you for working with the Loch on last minute changes due to
work conflicts and for your advice.  We will endeavor to not let you down.
Second, thanks to our predecessors Krag & Hennessey for their commitment to
a smooth transition and continued support.  We look forward to pushing the
forward as you have before us.
To our processional crew - Thank you so much.  It was great to have our
dear friend Master Diego heralding for us. Next, Their Graces Jason &
Saereid carrying our personal arms meant a great to me personally as I have
cherished their friendship for about 20 years.  It was important that
Seawinds be represented in the procession, so I was honored to have my
wonderful cadet, Lady Thora (a fellow second generation SCA-er) carry the
Seawinds Rapier Defender blade on my behalf.  Finally, Lady Alia, a close
friend, carried the Coastal standard, representing the Coastal community we
hold dear.
The procession of past Landeds is important to us, so we must thank Duke
Ulsted, Master William, Master Cael, and Mistress Rhiannon.  Also, extra
special thanks to Cael for the use of the bag of Loch soil and the fine
words to explain its meaning.
To our seneschal, Duchess Ebergardis, and all of our baronial champions,
thank you for joining Krag and Hennessey and ourselves for this occasion.
We also must thank the other Landed Nobles of Ansteorra who graciously
welcomed us to their ranks.  We were surprised with just how kind and
welcoming our dear cousins could be.  It made us feel truly part of
something bigger than ourselves.
Our love and thanks to our trusted friends Simha and Hrafna (VERY well
deserved Lion!) for the gifts of largesse/prizes.  It really takes a burden
off of our shoulders.
We understand that it was difficult for some people to travel to Coronation
to witness the investiture.  We greatly appreciate those who were able to
make the drive.  It warmed our hearts to see so many Loch and Seawinds
friends join us for the event.  There were also many people wearing green!
It was great to see!  Were I to attempt to name everyone who was present, I
would surely fail, so I will simply say you have our thanks and our love.
One final note - Thora was a life saver with last minute sewing.  While
Elena & I made our own garb, Thora came to the rescue sewing all of my
buttons in the car ride to site and several of Elena's buttons at the
rental house the night/morning before the event.  It is incredible to have
someone you can count on like that.
To anyone We have overlooked, we apologize and express our
sincere regrets.  We both have lots of sleep to catch up on.

With glad hearts,
Brian & Elena
Loch Soilleir

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