[Loch-soilleir] Serpentine Shenanigans Tomorrow (Sat, 7/1)

Baron of Loch Soilleir baron at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Fri Jun 30 08:35:27 PDT 2023

Amazing Loch Flock!

As a reminder, we are venturing to the George Ranch Historical Park in
Richmond tomorrow morning for "Hands-On History" as they
demonstrate leatherworking!  Afterwards, we can join their 4th of July
celebration.  We're aiming to be there around 9 (hopefully before it gets
too hot).
Admission for the whole park is $15 for adults.  If price is the
only reason you cannot attend, please contact myself or Elena.

For more information, see the Facebook event or contact me directly.

In Serpentine Service,


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