[Loch-soilleir] Passing of Countess Gladwen

Baron of Loch Soilleir baron at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Mon Sep 18 17:22:18 PDT 2023

Our Beloved Populace,

We come forward with sad tidings.  This weekend, as was announced in
evening Court at Defender of the Fort, Countess Gladwen of Ayelsford
(Audrey Theiler) passed away.  Countess Gladwen was a Baroness of Stargate
and the 38th Queen of Ansteorra.  She was also a skilled scribe and fervent
supporter of the rapier community.

Though she was unable to travel or be regularly active in the SCA for
several years, she had a major impact on several in our area and across the
Kingdom.  She was the first Rose to wear the now-iconic Ansteorran Rose
cloaks.  She also did not hesitate to take the time to teach a young Brian
our history or what it means to serve and respect the Crown of this great
Kingdom.  There were many others who benefited from her willingness to
teach and lead.

We wish all of her friends and family our sincerest condolences.  May peace
be upon her.

In Solemn Service,
Brian & Elena,
Baron & Baroness of Loch Soilleir


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