[Namron] A little help at investiture.

Fulco of Scarborough fulco at fulco.net
Wed Jun 25 06:28:24 PDT 2003

Greetings to all!


My name if Fulco of Scarborough and I will be bringing some boys from my
local children's home down to see the festivities of the Baronial
Investiture.  What I am looking for are a few people who may be willing to
take some time out of their day to help show these boys what the SCA is
about.  They are very excited to get to come see this, and I want to make
this as special as possible.


These are example of what I am looking for:


-Heavy and/or light fighters to show the boys some armor and talk about the
fighting a bit.

-Artisans of any discipline to explain their art form and maybe show the
boys some examples.

-A Hospitaler (or anyone else comfortable with it) to give them a basic run
down about the society and what we do, and answer some of their questions.


I am also open to any suggestions if you have an idea of something that you
think 11-15 year old boys would be interested in let me know.  They will be
there from before lunch until court.  I would like them to get at least
three 20-30 minute sessions.  The rest of the time, I will be showing them
around to the various activities that are going on.


Your help would be deeply appreciated by the children, my fellow staff, and


Yours in Service,

Fulco of Scarborough


Fulco at fulco.net 





Vincit imitationem veritas.


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