[Namron] Help me find a name!

marc adkins winkleried at oecadvantage.net
Wed Apr 21 10:58:16 PDT 2004

My understanding ( Based on when I was the founding herald of the defunct shire based outta Chickasha) Is that you can keep one element of your mundane name as long as it is in the proper order. I.E. On mine I took my first name and converted it to German.My advice is not to get too wrapped up in the multiple layers of each meaning of the individual portions of your name.
Other guidelines from the College of Heralds for submitting a name ; No mixing of languages( A mixture of Latin and French and roma will be nixed ) no titles (until awarded by the SCA); No famous personality (Eleanor of Aquitaine will be nixed as well), No conflicts with any other name in the SCA ( Agnese de Siena is already spoken for) and no obviously fantasy names ( Arwen daughter of Elron ).
    We as Americans come from a varied and wildly mixed heritage that simply was not the case in the periods that we are trying to portray. 
My advice is to find a time period and a country that fascinates you and go from there. Again as an example when I first started playing I was extremely interested in Switzerland particularly around the period during the rise of the Swiss Confederation. So I based my persona around that region and time period. 
My lady on the other hand took a little bit longer to determine what she wanted. all she knew was that she was interested in pre renaissance Italy. after some false starts she landed on a time, place and background for her persona. that she still portrays.
    I Guess what I am trying to say is take your time, it will come and you definitely don't want to get stuck with a name that you are unhappy with.
    No one is forced to register a name and I know several in this group that have not done so. Keep talking to the heralds and let me know when You are going to be at the next pop meeting. I have a article that address this and a couple of related topics. 
As a side note I was the only Germanic persona in a shire full of Celtic type personas. Wilhelm von Winkleried( Pronounced Vilhelm Won Vinkleried) was a bit too complicated for them to say. So it was shortened to Willy ( As in Free...) 13 years later I am still referred to that today. People are going to call you what they want to and mean no ill will when they do so.

Lord Wilhelm von Winkleried (OHSS)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sami 
  To: Namron at ansteorra.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:47 AM
  Subject: [Namron] Help me find a name!

  To the Populus of the Barony of Namron and all it's territories.

  Greetings all!

  I've spent all morning researching names and personas and I'm more confused than when I first started.  So, I am most humbly asking for help in creating my personna and name.  Once mine is done, we'll work on Heathers. 

  As my actual given name is Samantha (Hebrew/Aramaic meaning She Who Listens) and Faye (Latin French for of the fairy folk)  I almost want to keep my own name (She who listens to Fairy Folk)...but where would be the fun of that?  So, I'm taking suggestions.  I'm not settled on a period or an era, so I'm open for suggestions there as well.  However, I'm told that my personality traits include the following and would like my personna to be similar....

  1.  Earthy and Bohemian/Free Spirit
  2.  Spiritual and Joyous faith in God (NOT a prudish stick in the mud however)
  3.  Adventurous and funloving/impish
  4.  Creative and musical
  5.  Nurturing and caring
  6.  Reliable and hard working

  My actual family origins are English( Weatherford) Danish(Jensen) Native American
  Scotts (Leslies) Irish/French (Flournoy) and German (Brown) and I'm told some Gypsey.

  So, the polls are open...please submit any suggestions you have, and have fun with this, as I hope to!  All suggestions will be considered thoroughly and with sincere interest.  If I do choose your suggestion, there may be an apple pie in your future!

  With Sincere Thanks
  Sami of Maysville

  PS...Apparantly I'll be married to a Scotts/Viking.  I don't know quite how that will affect my personna, but cest la vie....

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