[Namron] Care Packages for our Troops

Chass Brown chass at allegiance.tv
Wed Aug 18 12:15:40 PDT 2004

A few suggestions from someone who has been to desert storm/shield :) if ye
don't mind. Lotion and sun screen are big in demand.. and if you need to
pack items as in using packing please use toilet paper and papertowels (long
story but trust me it will get used), to pad the items being shipped,
military toilet papers is horrid. Books and magazines. Also one item most
liked to carry for their first aid kits, Tampons, they are sterile, small
and will plug a bullet hole and are designed to stop blood flow (I know
gruesome idea but they are very handy and in big demand).

Chass of Rundel aka
Charinthalis Del Sans of the portable Chariot
Honorable Recruiter of the House of the Red Shark (Have you seen my Belaying

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