[Namron] Namron populace meeting

Susan Campbell arspudsmom at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 5 21:56:38 PDT 2004


Some of us have a mundane life and have not been able to attend things. This does not mean that we are boycotting, or wrapped up in the rumor mill. ( on the contrary, some of us have been drug in kicking and screaming. Its one thing to listen to a friend blow off steam, its another one to watch someone talk out of their ass!) I personally have not been around because I spent a glorious week in Wisconsin, where I also officiated at an interment, and relaxed in the lush green area of Markeson.And the few weeks before that I spent it at the hospital with a dear friend on her death bead.(I however did atleast keep my commitment to the bru bitches with the promise of food!) Upon the return home it was the same muck and the same old stuff. 

Love ya all but I agree with Terric and family's post... get over it and get on with the making of lots of fun. And just so some of you know... some of us have mundane lives and although we would rather live in the sca most of the time, the mundane life supports the sca life and there ain't much room for more. Besides doesn't the buck stop at ulfie??

Ldy Susannah Blackthorne


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