[Namron] So how was AAA?

Susan Campbell arspudsmom at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 17:39:09 PDT 2004

Greetings and Welcome home all!!

I praye you all had a wonderful time at Argent Anniversary. From the calls that I have gotten, much SCA fun was had as well as the usual back stabbing politicking... (OOPS was that my outside voice? No offense folks just a small jab. Wanna yell back at me then feel free to.) On to other topics, I hope you all recover and have wonderful memories to look back on. So.. For those of us, who didn't go, what was your favorite time at AAA? Come on, spill your guts, some of us wanted to go. We live vicariously through your e mails! 

Ldy Susannah Blackthorne


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