[Namron] Bonfire of the Willies

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 15 07:10:16 PDT 2004

If your father's have fruited I'm sure mine have as well, but they are out in the pasture and I can't go check.  I pulled my back out sunday a.m. and had to go to the ER.  So I'm not trekking very well right now.  If you'd like, you're welcome to come out and see how they look.

God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each seaand land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up, in the troughof the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey yougo, go with God.Samarrah bint Annaan
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