[Namron] help with SCA class project

Fox cerasionnach at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 29 00:19:16 PST 2004

Lord Gavin,
Thank you for your input.  I really like what you said about the SCA being like the extended family for children raised within the Society.  I wasn't raised in the SCA (obviously), and I notice a vast difference between my values and sense of trust from, say, Kylie and Denee.  I think it's wonderful that they had such a broad support base growing up.
Thanks again!
>Fox< ~*

"G. Gibeson" <gurhal at hotmail.com> wrote:

The SCA fills many gaps that mundane life cannot. It walks the line between 
education, fantasy play and supportive, real world community.

For adults, it offers an oppurtunity to step away from everyday life, to 
learn things they would never otherwise be exposed, and and have other 
people get to know them in ways andd see aspects of their personalities that 
the people in the "real world" would never see.

The SCA provides an aspect of community that has been lost in modern 
(post-modern) society. A weekend event is in many ways like creating a 
temporary a small town out of the past, where all those present share a 
knowledge and level affection for others that fills the rather large gap 
between the nuclear family and the outside world.
Children raised in this environment enjoy all the aspects of this 
extemporized community and in effect have a multitude aunts, uncles and 
extended family to care for and teach them as they grow.

This is simalar to the small town/ urban neiborhood of the past when the 
neighborhood culture was a central binding force and there was a level of 
social enforcment that filled that area between the parents and the police, 
where a child could not get into serious mischief without intervention from 
some member of the community.

Ld Gavin

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