[Namron] Guides for newbies

Lea l_j_frizzell at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 21 12:55:28 PDT 2004

Thanks for having the courage to speak up for those of us who do not.  I have been a member now for over a year.  I love the concept of the SCA and I have been struggling on my own to learn the rules and, even more importantly, the unwritten expectations that any group imposes on its members.  I see everyone having fun, I've joined the on-line magazine so that perhaps I'll understand some of the group interactions, I've asked the few people I know to explain the whys and wherefores, but I leave more confused than ever.   When my mundane life interferes, as it so often does, I miss out on so much of what makes this group function.  Individuals have been very nice and have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome, but its tough.  If I knew more, I would serve on a newbie welcoming committee and would be delighted to serve as a sponsor, but in my case it would be the blind leading the deaf.  I too have volunteered when I have time, but unless you simply push your way thru, which I
 am very bad at doing, getting the person in charge to actually give you information as to when, where, how much, and for whom has proven to be a formidable task.  The SCA is my gift to myself, for "me" time.  I stuggle to find the opportunities to participate.  The current situation is such that I find myself wondering why I try so at something that is suppose to a pleasure and a way to make new friends but has turned out to be huge investment of  time and money yet leaves me feeling more isolated than before.  From what I have seen, Namron is comprised of good, caring people.  Yall have your fusses, but then, what family does not.  I am proud to be a member even if I can't figure out how to join the family.  Not everyone is blessed with an outgoing personality such as Matthias and other members of Namron, whom I feel would be awesome Big Brothers and Sisters.  Is it possible to find a way to spread some of the pleasure of being a part of your group around?!  Just a thought, I am
 going to go back to my chair now and sit quietly.  :)

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