[Namron] The Black Death

R. Welch rose_welch at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 21:18:00 PDT 2004

Well said... I've been playing for years and years and years but haven't been active in several... I've just started to get active again and I see all of this political stuff... Did I just not notice it when I was a kid or is it new???
Either way, I am taking all in good cheer and am perfectly willing to forgive and forget anything that's happened so far in the name of good, clean fun... Well, Good fun anyway.... Dunno about clean... LOL
Let's all take a page from the poor Scotsman who have distorted national anthems (Scotlands Depraved was the first SCA song I ever learned and I loved it) and who not only take sheep jokes with good humor but crack better ones than the rest of us. And I don't think anyone lives with the amount of short jokes that I have w/o learning to laugh a little, even if it's at yourself... Esp. if it's at yourself, I think.
::: grins :::

I think what's I'm trying to say is... Can't we all just get along?
By the way... Anyone got any good pie recipes??? I see the need to bake in the near future...

Samarrah bint Annaan <samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com> wrote:
Sadly, I fear the black death be upon us.
I've not been playing in the SCA for long at all...less than a year, little more than 6 months, and while many members have been delightfully friendly and fun, it saddens my heart greatly to see the bits and pieces of both sides of my new friends and family being marred by this black scourge.
First it was dissention in the barony that resulted in an extremely uncomfortable meeting, then it is the report and further discussion of a pre-emptive cannon attack at Protectorate and the aftershock thereof.  Now it appears the plague be upon the good fellows of Skaargaard.
I see enough of this in my mundane life amidst the politicking of the little people in this little town.  I started hanging around with you good folk to try and get a break from that.  That is why it is called "PLAYING" in the SCA.
You are all decent people...and you are all very different people.  That's the wonderful thing about you all.  And a great part of what attracted me to your group.  To be honest, though, all this fighting is too much like High School and is quite dissappointing.  
I'm just the upstart, the new kid, I know I've not been around long enough to know much about anything.  But I do know this...a house divided can not stand.  From what I can see so far is that too many people are just looking for reasons to get worked up and most of us fear of saying much for we know not who will get offended this time
If one cannot learn to appreciate or at least tolerate your fellow dreamers differances, how on earth can you expect them to appreciate in return? This, of course, being said to no one person in particular.  I don't know the details of all the disagreements and billious feelings, nor do I wish to know.
So, please, for the sake of us new recruits...and in the words of the Eagles...GET OVER IT.  Else you'll be scaring us away with all your fire breathing, plotting, and playing at MacBeth. 
I care and pray for all you corseted, pirating, maurauding, jesting, brewing, baking, sewing, dancing, gaming and fighting fools.  Lets all just play nice....

Samarrah bint Annaan, Princess of Pie Procurement
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