[Namron] (no subject)

Sandra Derrick okbunyip at prodigy.net
Sat Jan 15 15:50:59 PST 2005

Greetings Good Gentles,

As Feastocrat for the upcoming Company of Wolves, the good Lady Bronislava Volkova has asked me to forward to you the menu for the feast. It will feature a wonderful selection of delicious Russian dishes to satisfy the heartiest of appetites. Reservations are still available at $7.00 each.

HL Cassandra



Appetizers (Zakyski)

Assorted pickles, olives, and cheeses

Stuffed eggs (Po-russki)

Rye and pumpernickel mini loaves

Celery and cucumber

Garlic-parsley butter

Fish in sour cream sauce with dill


Hearty mushroom soup (Soup gribnoy)

Armenian flat bread (Loksha)

Meats (Myansi)

Pork loin with prune sauce

Roast beef with mild horseradish stuffing

served wtih fruited pilaf with almonds

Sweets (Sladki)

Apple dumplings

Almond cookies

Russian tea cookies

Walnut-honey treat (Gozinakh)

Za V’kusnom!

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