[Namron] The BIG Flaw in the E-MAil List ~ i.M.h.o

Lord Pooky lord_pooky at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 13 11:34:20 PST 2005

Hey every body!

i.M.h.o = in MY humble opinion

I REALLY REALLY do not like the incorperation of "E-Mail" into the fabric of 
the S.C.A..  Hard to tell that from the number of posts you see from ME, I 
know.  Email as a tool, that would only be used for for educational, 
information dispersal, and maybe entertainment purposes it has redeeming 
value.  But that doesn't seem to be certain peoples motivation.  People just 
can't seem to help but  use email as an avenue/medium for political 

This E-mail system of communication, by some folks reckoning ( i.e. everyone 
who ever consciously existed previous to 10ish years ago) is a new form of 
communication.  I (being that silly Pooky person) believe email is a form of 
communication which does not allow anything to get across/be communicated in 
a form other then:
you choose words you think have a certain meaning and burp them in front of 
MY eyes ~ and then you choose language words that you define in a certain 
way and stencil those to MY retina...

What is lost/not included in the email form/forum of communication is the 
body language, facial expressions, touch, smell of fear or desire, tonal 
inflections of voice, heck voice!, shared passion,  sexual energies, 
pheramones, and empathy which are all essential for us to understand CLEARLY 
the points others and our selves are making and the manner in which we 
intend the point to be made.

I personally do not allow MYself to form hard-opinions about what people are 
trying to express in this excruciatingly limited form of communication.  To 
do so would be to get an attitude based on something very flimsy. Mind you, 
as those that have spoken face to face will tell you, I do have an opinion 
formed about everything!  But I do make sure I am taking the information in, 
correctly, before I decide to choose or discern what is right or wrong about 

An example: I see a signature saying someone is maried to somebody 
noteworthy. I could "take it" as tho she is bragging about who she is maried 
to and ASSume she is bragging about it because she is politically motivated 
to do so.  /// Or I could "take it" as a method of hers to more readily 
identify herself to others on the list (logically more likely), especially 
since I have met her ~in person~ and therefore I know what kind of person 
she is. /// Or I could choose not to judge someone on the merits of how I 
percieve their signature line in a flawed form of communication.

I don't think this list can accurately let ME know what is trying to be 
gotten across by its imputers.

i.M.h.o. ~ Better we say what we think about things and each other face to 
face............ oh say the way we did it back before we had email, circa 
day 1 thru the Mediaeval Ages /remember them?/ thru to 1988ish.

i.M.h.o ~ This list is good for sharing information about oh say parties (if 
I read them in time), accomplishments, snap shots of people at parties 
thinking there monkey dance is an accomplishment.

So umm.. do what you will.
Perceive the information coming to you in limited form and thru a limited 
medium as you will.
Tear at each other or defame each other from your righteous foundations as 
you will.

BUT DON'T YA DARE be surprised when >YOU< find out:
"ya know I based a lot of what I thought was true on something other then 
love and happiness and ya know I mighta been wrong. And Gosh I sure have 
wasted a lot of time that I could have traded for ..... anyone anyone? No?   
  answer: Love and Happiness

I in MY Heart Love each of you,
Be as the Pooky and cherish each other,
If ya don't, in MY opinion, somewhere in your value system your lying to 

Your Beloved Pooky

p.s. ~ If you know of a party call Me at 405-206-1227
P.p.s ~ F.Y.I. this email in a diferent form and to a different email list 
was the precurser to MY present Signature Line, which I now purposely 
P.p.p.s ~  Strange how it takes 2 seconds to have the thought, and 45 
minutes to interpret it into English so that it may be shared.

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