[Namron] The Children

Lord Pooky lord_pooky at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 13 00:41:43 PDT 2005

think normally it has been up to whoever actually makes up the list
how they wish to do it.  It would probably be a good idea to check with
the seneschal and/or baron and baroness, of course.

If you're going to be updating the pop list, it might also be a good
idea to announce it at a couple of pop meetings so that people who need
to be added or to update information can get it to you.  I've done it in
the past, and I know how hard a job it can be.  Thank you for taking on
this task.



This might end up being a long email but I do have something important to
say for a change. And since this email concerns the most important thing
in the world, YOU WILL read it.
I will explain MY concerns and the dangers first and then tell ya why I
think its necessary and a good idea.

>think normally it has been up to whoever actually makes up the list
how they wish to do it.

1. I believe first and foremost we should ask the parent or legal guardian
if they wish their childs name to be listed in a way that would make that
information accessible to anyone walking through the kitchen of anyone in
the Barony. We should (in MY humble opinion) ask the par/leg gar's
individually instead of a "hey what do ya all think" .

1a. If the most evil form of human life gets a hold of the list and we
were the ones to print out the list and the par/leg guar did not ok the
inclusion of the name of their child onto the list I am sure and Bubba might
be able to confirm there'd be hell to pay for the Barony.

1b. Yes even if we just include the name of a child that might be all
"Evil" needs to extend an air of familiarity to one of our babies.


1c. I think it's extremely necessary that we all know which child belongs
to which par/leg guar at every given moment. So if this would help do that,
it would be a good idea.

My opinion on this is based a little on my experience at Kings
College.  It would be great for people who are working in the
children's areas to be able to put a name/face with the parents.  Most
of you probably know from the years you have put into service in the
SCA but for those of us that don't know... this information would be
very helpful.


Yes, yes indeed Good and Loving Sæmundr covered some of the King's
College Kid's time and noticed the same thing as I.  I arrived earlier so I
noticed 'how it went down' at the beginning of the day:

Less then 40% of the children that spent time in the Kid's activity area,
were signed in by par/leg guars.

This caused a VERY frightening situation for ME, your Pooky.

Here I am at a Kingdom level event in charge and responsible for the
offspring of everyone (who showed up) in the Kingdom.

2. If the par/leg guars don't 'sign in'
2a. the parents do not know if the activities are appropriate for their
2b. I do not know who the parents of the children are which means
2b1. I do not know who to give the children back to
2b2. I do not know where the par/leg guar will be at every given moment
while their child is in MY custody (I had a sheet to be filled out).
2b3. I do not know how to instantly get in touch with the par/leg guar via 
cell phone.
2b4. I do not know when to expect the par/leg guar to return and take
responsibility for their child.

3. I can not tell the child to turn around and bring ME their par/leg guar
3a. The par/leg guar has assumed I now have responsibility and the
children are in MY purview
3a1. This means the par/leg guar has probably moved from their exact
physical position
3a1a. This means if I tell the child to go back to their par/leg guar they
are probably not going to find them immediately.
3b. If I turn the kid around and point um' to the door the child will
encode this as rejection and when they can't find the parent they will
feel abandonment and the par/leg guar I hope would at least feel 'put out'
by having to find out why their child was rejected and they would miss
part of their class and that would make their event not as special and
their experience in Namron not as wonderful as it could be and and ...
it's a spiral so that wasn't really an option for ME.

4. Just telling the kid to "Go have fun with Pooky" isn't really an option
for them.
(With your help, I can become a better A.M.o.C.)*

Also, I believe they are still supposed to
have an ID tag of some sort with their name, and their parents name on it,
preferable SCA and legal, and possibly what group they're from.  We have
down on this the past couple of years, and probably need to get the use of
children's tags reestablished.


5.This would help a bit with MY need for information concerning which
child belongs to whom, but it would not tell ME when the par/leg guar would 
be back and how
to get in touch with them etc.
5a. We would be better able to give the childs par/leg guar more word
fame of their childs wonderful deeds and helpful ways.
5b. In general we would know whom belongs to whom
5b1. But here we go again, we could be handing the information necessary
for 'evil' to get what they need to gain familiarity with our babies, and
influence them.
5b1a. The Likelihood is unlikely, over 20 years though, probabilities 

Ohh I worry, I just want everything to be wonderful forever, lemmee know
how I can help do this.

Pooky ~ Q.T.A.M.o.C. ( and wannabee protectionist of everyone smaller then 
MYself {and you know who you are})

* Footnote = I Thought up some great new additions to MY plans

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