[Namron] The solution to problems at WAR

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 22:42:08 PST 2005

Pooky is our Hero!  Vivat Pookums! 

Lord Pooky <lord_pooky at hotmail.com> wrote:
>We do have a very good Baron and Baroness, but our compassion in Namron 
>actually started many many years ago. Over 23 to my knowledge. The first 
>handicapped individual I encountered was Lord Blume, a result of 
>Thilidamide (sp). We remember several wonderful individuals including 
>Master Bjorn, our founding baron, Mistress Roanne, and HL Mairen. All of 
>whom where bound to wheelchairs or carts for at least part, if not all, of 
>the time that I knew them.
>We've also had several others over the years, but my memory is acting up 
>right now, but others can fill in as they want.
>(back to lurking)

Claryce the loving lurker ... oh your soOo wonderful! mm MMM mm!

After reading Claryce's post, as happens pert neer every time our lives 
cross, The~Loving~Method was reveiled to ME. It allways feels like the 
clouds parting and the light of truth shining down and warming the face of 
MY understanding, allways enjoy that.

Oh umm " High Everybody " hey I think I know a way to solve and resolve most 
/ any handicapped related problems that anyone might have at WAR. I will be 
at WAR. Unfortunately I will be camping with wolfstar. I will have MY cell 
phone on ME 405-206-1227. Don't be embarrassed about calling ME for 
assistance, I am so used to helping those with life issues it's almost 
become MY thing.
If you need a chair moved in any direction over any turain, let ME know. If 
you need your car unloaded to any campsight, let ME know. If you need to 
know what the heralds know, let ME know. I am allready slated to chase 
Daniel Blackaxes arrows when he shoots in the archery competition because he 
has had his hips replaced and doesn't need to be walking more then 20 feet. 
So take ME seriously when I say I am available to you. No questions about 
why or stress about imposing, My armor won't be ready so I won't have 
anything to do at war unless I'm helping someone. Call ME. Wave at ME. Let 
ME know.

In service to you,

Lord Pookinator

Puhka Lovr's Disclaimer - This E-mail is intended for educational, 
entertainment, or information dispersal purposes only. Any taking 
too-seriously or forming hard-opinions concerning this or any other E-mail 
from "The Pooky" is strictly forbidden. Any individual or organization may 
contact "The Pooky" concerning "The~Love" or to schedule, public / private 
viewings of "The Pooky" at 405-206-1227. This signature as always is a 
NON-political announcement, in accordance with ~The Prophecy~, as 
illuminated by ~THE DREAM~. "VIVAT THE DREAM!!!! ". Save a referance page in 
Your Heart for ME. Become a Puhkaphyle: save this email to your Pooky File. 
Yes, this signiature changes. "I approve this message".

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Samarrah bint Annaan, Princess of Pie Procurement
God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up, in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey you go, go with God.

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