[Namron] Fwd: [mooneschadowe] Fall Crown 2005

Susan Campbell arspudsmom at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 2 21:59:28 PDT 2005

Clint <cathalfinnobriain at yahoo.com> wrote:To: mooneschadowe at yahoogroups.com
From: "Clint" <cathalfinnobriain at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2005 21:57:17 -0000
Subject: [mooneschadowe] Fall Crown 2005


I was lucky enough to attend Crown Tournament yesterday. I
would like to thank all the combatants for putting on
such a great tournament. Great honor and chivalry was
shown on the field inspiring a new fighter like myself
to greater heights. I would like to also thank the
northern region for holding the event and being such
gracious hosts.

I was able to take quite a few pictures and would like
to share those with the populace. 

Here is a link to the pictures I took:


I tried to get pictures of all the combatants in the
procession. Then had most of the first round matches.
The final rounds I was very close to the field and got
a lot of great pictures.

I was also able to take some video with the small
amount of battery I had left. At the point where the
video starts Sir Mahdi was already up 1 point to
none on Sir Jean-Paul.

This video is 55 mega bytes and will take quite a
while to download so be forewarned.



In Service,

Lord Cathal Finn O'Briain
Shire of Loch Ruadh
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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