[Namron] Bake Sale Canceled.

Sharylyn Tincler sorchia31 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 8 15:45:59 PDT 2005

You know Duncan I don't want to say anyhting to may sound like picking a fight.  There is no reason to make it sound as though you are the only one that was affected by this.  The whole group was and we are trying our hardest to get these things fixed.  Please Duncan give us a chance to fix this and see where it goes. Please please be patient ok.  We did not know about any kind of permits until two days ago.  I still think that a bake sale should still happen.  As for the security on Friday nite I am staying at the park.  I have no problems with it.  I know of a few others that may stay also.  Again that will 100% be taken care as of in the morning.  So please just give me a bit more time.

Duncan MacNamara <duncan_macnamara at hotmail.com> wrote:
Except the little problem that 9 times out of 10, if something is free, no 
one will pay for what they can get for free. It's a shame... Gabby spent her 
off time before work today baking stuff for the sale. Ahh well... that's 
what we gets for volunteering.

On another note, Are we going to be able to have someone stay overnight as 
security? If not, I'm not setting up my $3000.00 camp.


>maeve came up with a good idea if we cant get the paper work we need to 
>sell them, put up a sign for a free baked goods and contributions are 

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