[Namron] Rumour Mongering and general bad behavior

Susan Campbell arspudsmom at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 11 20:09:50 PDT 2006

And another thing... When I was a seneschal (pre Northshield) ... we use to have a saying... Thank you for Volunteering.... I understand the treasurer position is soon to be open... are you applying?

Susan Campbell <arspudsmom at yahoo.com> wrote:     huummm just my 2 shillings, take it for what you will, or don't take it. Rumor Mongering is not a good thing, but neither is this post. You may be upset, you may not agree with the person who was saying this, HOWEVER; you are just as much enabling the rumors posting this as the one who told you. There is a line of Command, (old military dependent here) use it, abuse it, His Excellency has said many times to call him as has Her Excellency. To bring the Rumors and Concerns to them, and they will do all they can to bring them to a swift end. Children do not always play well together, personalities don't always match, personality conflicts often arise, but it shows the manner of person you are in how you choose to handle them. Was this the proper place for this? Are you just enabling or informing? The apology at the end was great, but was the post at all necessary?? You may now go back to your normal bickering....
  Ldy Susannah Blackthorne...
  And I know the rumours about me, I often have to giggle at what I have supposivly done... 

Romana Thiana <romanathiana at yahoo.com> wrote:
    Dearest Cousins, 
  What at a sad day for Namron today doth be.
  A malicious and malignant rumour regarding a certain valued member of this group hath cometh unto mine ears.  This person was made a Companion to the Order of the Sable Storm of Namron for her devotion to her office.  She didst hold this office when all else wouldst have nothing to do with it.  Many calls didst go out for a replacement, yet those calls went unheeded.  Our Lord Baron and Lady Baroness didst praise her widely and without hesitation for her accuracy, thoroughness, and timelimess in her reporting.  And Their Excellencies did holdeth her in highest esteem.
  Yet, the rumor is that that she didst leave the office of the treasury in a "disaster".  And that other not quite "above-board" events happened whilst she was in office.  
  This vicious rumor doth border upon slander.  And methinketh that the Lady in question doth have enough proof for mundane legal action.
  I do wonder if these kind and gentle folk have talked with the person they are vilifying to get her perspective upon this matter, before they repeat this abhorrent rumour to others?  
  Did Kingdom ever have to come to our Baron and Baroness because of problems with the treasury of Namron during her tenure?  No.  
  Has Kingdom had to do so with the current treasurer?  Yes.  And as such, his warrant was not renewed this time.  His perpetual lateness in reporting and refusal of offers of help lend itself to the perception that this barony has been in jeopardy of losing its status.
  And why is this vileness being spread at this time?  Could it be to help elimina! te her from getting the position again?  Perhaps to promote someone else for the job? Or mayhap it do be because people just enjoy spreading "dirt", "ill will", and "licentious gossip"?
  In my few years in this pleasant Society, I hath never heard someone's character defamed like this Lady's without substantial proof.   
  These actions, in my opinion, are reprehensible.  We are a Society founded upon Chivalry and genteelness.  We are to represent ourselves and others as such.  This sort of behavior is base and foul. 
  Unto those Good Folk who have contributed to such feindish rumour mongoring: Shame be upon you!
  Unto those Good Gentles who were happily unaware of such, my most sincere and humblest apologies for wasting your band-width.
  Empassionately yours, 
  &nb! sp;
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