[Namron] Beltane Announcements from the ARN

Duncan MacNamara sca_macnamara at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 28 22:07:09 PDT 2006

To the Barony of Namron, Greetings!
  Come one, come all! The Ansteorran Royal Navy will be hosting an evening potluck feast at Beltane, times to be announced on-site. Everyone is invited to come share good food and company, in the hospitality of the Ansteorran Royal Navy camp. Donations welcome, please bring your own feast gear and liquid refreshments. Bards are welcome, and encouraged to provide entertainment. No plank walkings, floggings, or keelhaulings allowed.
  *some restrictions may apply
  The Ansteorran Royal Navy will also be teaching classes on some decorative knotwork throughout the day, as well as a Hafla immediately following Bardic! So bring your friends, your drums, and your dancing gear, and come get to know your Navy!
  This has been an unpaid announcement from the Office of the Ansteorran Royal Navy, and does not reflect the views of the Barony of Namron, the Kingdom of Ansteorra, or the SCA INC.
  In Service,
  Admiral Lord Duncan MacNamara
  Commander of the HMS Iron Lotus
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