[Namron] namron rocks

Chris Simon chainmansca at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 17:18:01 PST 2006

Hello all 
    It is with a bit of sorrow that I write this but as you all know Danni is leaving us to pursue a really good opportunity and will be missed by all. I truly wish her good luck in Texas and I know she will do well.
    Since I am loosing an my rommie I have made the choice to leave Namron as well. I have really enjoyed the things I have had a chance to do and the people I have met in Namron and will miss all of you . I am not going to far though and will carry the word of the friends and family that i have here to Northkeep. Being in Tulsa will put me much closer to some of my daughters family and me closer to my son and not to far from Norman so I can still come visit. 
   Thank you for everything you are what makes the SCA fun for me and I will miss everyone thanks for being my friend.
  aka Chris Simon 

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