[Namron] Proud of Who We Are!

variglog at sbcglobal.net variglog at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 14 13:39:37 PST 2006


Many of us display "generic" SCA decals on our car windows or on our tote
boxes and other goodies.  How about going one step further and designing
decals unique to Namron and Skorragardr?  And while we are at it, T-shirts
we can wear to proudly advertise who we are when the dress of the day calls
for mundanes.


As Namron's Herald, I call for our artisans to bring forth ideas.  I do not
look for this to be a very expensive endeavor and it may even be a way to
kick a few (insert your character's currency) into the Kitty.




In Service

Herr Wolfgang

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