[Namron] Official or not (it's merely pining for the fjords)

Grimmie ldgrimhun at cox.net
Mon Feb 27 17:30:28 PST 2006

Speaking of programmers can a couple of programmer wiz kids contact me off list?
ldgrimhun at cox.net
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Barat 
  To: Barony of Namron 
  Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: [Namron] Official or not (it's merely pining for the fjords)

  Or we get one of our computer whiz kids to set up an autodialer program on a computer with a modem.

  We record one message and send it out to the phone list.

  I have seen software such as this that lets a user phone the computer, punch in a password, record a message, then select which phone group the message goes to (all members, just members of the OHSS, the a&s crowd, brewers, whatever).

  Donnachadh, up to giving this a try?


  H.L. Barat FitzWalter Reynolds
  M.K.A. Stephen Pursley

  Barony of Namron

  Kingdom of Ansteorra

  On Feb 27, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Samarrah bint Annaan wrote:

    I like your idea of an outgoing message on an
    answering machine.  If we could have a member willing
    to change their outgoing message everytime we have a
    change and then other members could call that one
    number to check on the meeting status.  I would
    volunteer, but my number is long distance to everyone.

    --- Matthias the Brewer <matthiasthebrewer at cox.net>

      I promise, I don't have any money like that laying

      Welcome back Bubba.  Long time no read.

      When I was in the Marine Corps, we had a "frost
      call" system.  The Platoon
      sergeants called the squad leaders (or section
      heads), who called their
      subordinates, who called their subordinates, and so
      forth ad nauseum.  And
      even this system had problems and was not 100%

      I think it might be worth finding a way to post the
      information.  Be it on
      the Web site, or on an answering machine (which
      would have a recording
      announcing the current plan/changes), or something
      like that.

      HOWEVER, I think we've beaten this dead horse to
      death and beyond.  We've
      gone way past the point where we've established that
      some of us perceive a
      problem to exist. Let's quit bitching and wanking
      about this, and solve the

      Does anyone have a solution for this?  A way to
      communicate to diverse
      people across half the state?  And it has to be easy
      and cheap.

      Any takers?



    namron-bounces+matthiasthebrewer=cox.net at ansteorra.org

    [mailto:namron-bounces+matthiasthebrewer=cox.net at ansteorra.org]
      On Behalf Of
      William Herron
      Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 10:44 PM
      To: Barony of Namron
      Subject: Re: [Namron] Official or not (it's merely
      pining for the fjords)

      RESPONSE.  And I know the Senechal and I are not on
      the best of terms, But I
      had to ask for the location 5 hours before the last
      meeting.  nothing had
      been said.  weather called for freezing rain and
      nothing had been said.  I
      ended up not being able to attend because we had
      freezing rain here 85 miles
      from Norman.  And if you note, I stated I would be
      willing to contribute to
      the cost of the room, I think most would rather than
      have to go to a
      restaurant and feel oblagated to order food. 

      Even the Herald doesn't answer e-mails. so why post
      e-mail addresses at


      First off, just because you've sent an email doesn't
      mean that it got there.
      I send emails all the time that are trapped in spam
      filters, that get
      "accidentally" deleted, or just disappear into the
      ether that is the
      Internet that we know and love.  If I was trying to
      decide if I should make
      a two-hour drive in inclement weather, I would *not*
      be counting on an email

      I don't live in Namron, of course.  I love to come
      home and visit my Society
      family and friends there.  And I try to keep up on
      what's going on by
      information inputs like this mailing list.  I don't
      think "we can't find a
      regular place to have a meeting" is a new issue...it
      was going on 10, 15,
      and 20 years ago when I was there.  And I suspect
      it'll continue long after
      I'm gone.  Unless the Barony is going to go and
      purchase something (and I'm
      betting Matthias doesn't have that much money laying
      around), this issue
      will continue.

      Radei, we haven't met yet.  The only impressions I'm
      getting of you is what
      I see here on the list, and so far I'm
      under-impressed.  I appreciate the
      fact that you have to make an extra effort to
      participate, but it seems like
      you have a lot of gripes about how things are going.
       If I was a baronial
      officer, and I was getting constant emails from
      someone, and they were
      growing to be a larger pain in the neck over time, I
      might start
      "accidentally" deleting them too.  I won't speak for
      Thomas, since he has
      been (to my experience) a very professional baronial
      seneschal.  I'm
      guessing he's not going out of his way to dodge you,
      but he may also be in a
      position where he can't easily reply to your
      messages.  As a start, the man
      works in the field of meteorology, so inclement
      weather may be a busy time
      for him regardless of what else is going on. 

      I certainly don't want to infringe upon anyone's
      desire to sit around and
      bitch.  I do it, all the time.  Just be aware that
      bitching on a mailing
      list like this, "official" or not, is likely a form
      of mental masturbation.
      I wouldn't count on the world to change because of

      Care, Bubba

      Namron mailing list
      Namron at ansteorra.org

    <DIV>Lady Samarrah bint Annaan, Princess of Pie Procurement, Den Mother of Puhka Lovr University, Mother to Michaella the Merguard and Billy the Mortally Mundane,wife to her beloved Rouda Bjorn Wilhelmson, The Iron Bear of Bjornsstead</div>
    <DIV> </div>
    <DIV>God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill.</div> <DIV>Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law,</div><DIV>each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up,</div> <DIV>in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow.</div><DIV> Each step of the journey you go, go with God.</div>
    <DIV> </div>
    <DIV> </div></div>

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