[Namron] Directions to Medieval Fair

Chris Melton CMelton at POTAWATOMI.ORG
Wed Mar 29 12:25:12 PST 2006

Thank you, My most Beautiful & helpful Lady Annabelle





>From Highway 9, take the Jenkins exit and head north.  It will probaby be
easiest to go ahead and park at Lloyd Noble and walk north to the park,
rather than hunt a closer parking area.  It about 1 1/2 -2 blocks.


Also, the website for the fair has a map.  The website is:
www.medievalfair.org <http://www.medievalfair.org>  .  I just looked at it,
and they have both a map of how to get to the fair, and a map of the fair
with vendors available on the site.




Please TELL ME HOW TO GET TO THE Med Faire off highway 9 please. I have a
coworker that needs to know so he can go. And I actually forget which
streets to take.



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