[Namron] populace tonight

Susan Campbell arspudsmom at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 15:03:04 PDT 2006

  My appologies to all, I was planning on making it to pop tonight with Tavern Menus;(yes another shameless plug) HOWEVER, since Its safer for everyone if I don't drive at night and My other half is in Tulsa.... ECT...
  Here is the Menu as Follows... Please come and eat. 
  Ldy Susannah
  Three Fat Chicks Tavern
  Katren, Elizabeth and Susannah
  Fri night is the only addition and that is Hot Dogs two for a dollar....
  French Toast and Sausage
  Eggs and Sausage
  Poorman' s Stew $2.00
  Hard Boiled Eggs 3@$1.00
  Turkey Pita $2.50
  Spanikopita $1.50
  Hummos and Pita $1.25
  Fruit, cheese and Pita Plate $2.50
  Fruit pie .50
  Biscuits and Gravy $1.50
  Standard disclaimer: This is a menu from the Three Fat chicks Tavern and does not dilineate any of the polocies of the Barony of Namron or SCA Inc. ECT... no animals were killed in the making of this menu, just many m&m's, Dr. Peppers, and Cokes.
  Three Chicks... we're a good thing...

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