[Namron] The new B&B's of Namron

Maleah baroness_maleah at cox.net
Sun Sep 10 12:48:15 PDT 2006

Greetings from your Baroness,
    For those of you who have not heard, Lord Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair and Lady Muriel ingen Gille Crist will be the next Baron and Baroness of Namron. We look forward to the new ideas and enthusiasm they will bring to the job, and never doubt that it is a job. It's time to finish all those last minute details for Protectorate and throw one heck of a bash to welcome them into their new positions.
 I would like to take a moment to thank all of the candidates who stepped forward to place themselves under consideration for this challenging job. They have endured weeks of close scrutiny and questions into their lives and character and born it all with grace and dignity. Now it's time to embrace them and show them the kindness and generosity of spirit they are needing right now. It's never easy to be told "not you right now but them" so let's not forget in our excitement of welcoming those who were chosen  to show them love and support as well. I know I can count on this Barony to rise to the occasion and show Ansteorra the shining quality that we are made of. Nowhere on earth is better than Namron and it Canton of Skorragardr and you all are the ones that make it so. 

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