[Namron] Fwd: Re: [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] I remain confused

Grimmie ldgrimhun at cox.net
Tue Sep 19 05:34:41 PDT 2006

as to #3 
I remember a event that it was announced that the pool was closed at a certain time to men and it was a fairer gender swim time only. The sew meeting was not a official SCA event and is in a privite home so Federal rules on the ADA and Federal laws and regulations against discrimination do not apply.

as to #2
"Spelling-schmelling" get a life not all have had the luck to get the same education and some have medical problems. On both cases like me, my spelling and grammar S$#%. LOL

as to #1
She was being nice to invite anyone to come play not begging for help to start a new group. Are you afraid that it will weaken your pool of people to come see you?

"So, in conclusion....EVERYONE....let's quit bickering and picking and have fun!"
Quoted from (Samarrah bint Annaan) 

Maysvill group will get the same support all groups get from me. 
You all my frends and SCA family.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Samarrah bint Annaan 
To: Namron Mailing List 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 3:20 PM
Subject: [Namron] Fwd: Re: [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] I remain confused

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:50:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Samarrah bint Annaan <samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] I remain confused
To: SkorragardrVirtualSkald at yahoogroups.com

as to #3...

We were simply looking for a nice day for ladies to get away and work on things without distractions.  We're INVITING ladies to come should they wish, and as there will be some trying on, measuring and thus, thought it wiser and more respectful to our husbands and boyfriends if we kept this event for ladies, it's also in respect for the modesty of the ladies as they are trying on garments and working on things.  Please don't be offended...we'll have PLEANTY of fully inclusive sewing circles...and other things as well.  Feeling that having equal access does NOT include gender specific situations like CHANGING/FITTING  (such as is this event) or Bathrooms.  And I Know a few husbands would be HIGHLY offended it we had NOT made this situation for the ladies and explained that.  This is not a regular, repeated, event.  It is just to get ready for protectorate.  So, my beloved Bjorn asks that you respect the ladies modesty and just chill, please.

We do not expect Skorragardr memebers to do anything.  We simply invite them to come should they like to.  That is all.  Just as my husband and I were able to attend and enjoyed the company of everyone at Woodlands last week.  But not everyone in this area can make it that far.  This new group is to provide oportunities for more play to even more people.  Not to take anything away from Skorragardr or Namron.

As to #1...I thought it was nice for you to announce and invite...just as we announce and invite...things that are going on that might appeal to members...I don't recall responding in ANY WAY negative to ANY of your posts at ANY time.  So I don't understand the attack you made to mine except that perhaps you weren't in a happy mood and we might have just been in the fall out zone.  I hope that's all it is...lol.  

As to # 2.   

Spelling-schmelling!  I've been told by MANY respected members of the SCA that spelling is indeed a mundane or modern concept.  Has anyone read Chaucer lately?  Sheesh!  My feeling on spelling is that I do the best I can...and I understand that I mangle other words from time to time...Especially Viking...and I'm married to a viking...  So my motto for that is that I niether smell nor spell like a viking! (My viking finds it amusing...and it is meant just that way...to be amusing)

So, in conclusion....EVERYONE....let's quit bickering and picking and have fun!  The only time spelling truley matters is when filling out paperwork or in advertising.  What TRUELY matters is PEOPLE and their feelings.  Let's agree to respect each other's activities, input and love of the GAME (because that is what this is...a game).  Let's thank Caius for his invitation to KAF, let's cut out the spelling police, the garb police, the grammar police, let's quit knocking down other's attempts at inclusion and creativity, let's quit, each and everone of us, acting like we know more than the next person about everything, and lets start being better to one another!!!!

I, for one, know that there are TONS I don't know about the SCA....I don't have to have a 3rd party point out what I don't know on a public list, and neither does anyone else.  People that's just rude, and we shouldn't  be rude to one another, we should build one another up.  if there's something you feel a person should be corrected on, that CAN and SHOULD be done in a CONSTRUCTIVE manner.  

Thank you for your time, and I hope this is taken in the positive and constructive manner in which it is intended.

In love and service.

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