[Namron] OT: update on my lady wife

Worf worf428 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 12:45:05 PDT 2007

Greetings to all,

I have been between the hosp and home for the the last week.  She has Pnumonia in her left lung, it collapsed the lung, they had to drain fluid from her chest to reinflate the lung.then they placed a chest tube in to get antibiotics into the lung..they took the chest tube out on sat. she is still in the hospital as of this post.my wife is still on oxygen, and they are trying to wean here off the oxy, and get her saturation of Oxy up to 93-95...its now at 92..    call if you need to 795-9679..

Thanks to all who have prayed for us...

Lordy Lord Galiwyn
A Lover Not A Fighter!!
Member of the Inn of the Weeping Unicorn.

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