[Namron] From Beltane Games, Delayed BUT Not Forgotten

sandra goodrich tgnst at swbell.net
Thu Aug 2 10:03:30 PDT 2007

There was a Food Competition in conjunction with the Tavern at Beltane Games, :-)
  Many delicacies were offered up and greatly enjoyed by those who partook of the bounty, but when all was paid for and the last crumbs consumed was Lady Zubeyda Jamilla al-Badawiyya was clearly the Champion of this contest, :-)
  Alas, Owen and I didn't get things tallied befor evening court, so we decided to wait for an opportune time to publicly honor Zubeyda's achievement, but it didn't readily present itself as we would have liked, sigh...
  So we send this wordfame to trumpet it's way across the Stellar Kingdom, And there will be a  'Goodie Basket' awaiting Zubeyda at the Laurels Field Day this weekend in Namron, May it bring Her some pleasure, as She has brought us...
  In Service, Owen and 'Stacis, Beltane Stewards Emeritus...:-)
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