[Namron] News from afar (Warning: Long, chatty, and newsy)

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 9 07:43:57 PDT 2007

Greetings all!

I'm peeking my molish little head out from my hole to let all and sundry know that I am still alive (to the hapiness of some and the dispair of others...lol)

Lord Bjorn and I have been quite busy in and about Bjornsstead with much activity throughout these summer months and in past weeks have not been much available to attend to business about the barony. We have missed meetings and gatherings and so do miss you all and ask for your pardon and understanding.

We are over and done with the Summer Reading Program and the Wiley Post Festival and I'll be up to my neck in work related reports for the first half of August so please be patient with me if I'm a bit bumfuzzled when next we meet.  We are also trying to demolish that old caved in cellar so that we can get a fixed mortgage on the farm...and that's taking a bit of time from our fun.  (anyone out there wanna come over and bash in some cement with us?  NO????LOL)

There are some baronial things I need to take care of in a more timely maner than I have so far.  Lord Barat & Lady Jaqueline, you were both so gracious to make loan of your archway for my daughter's wedding.  Would you by chance be attending fighter practice this sunday or is there a time whence we might arrange to return your archway to you?  It is safe in my garage...but I feel badly that we've not returned it to you in a more prompt manner...life kinda ran away with us for a while...lol (OH, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

My gracious Lord Thomas and Lady Anya, I so hope the island that you conquered was fillled with treasure and bounty and that your adventure was to your liking!  You have the thanks of not only the Maysville Public Library, but the Chamber of Commerce, the Wiley Post Memorial Foundation, and the Wiley Post Flyers for the loan of Moo Manor!  It made an excellent addition to our festival, added color and shade and was enjoyed and admired by many many visitors!  Thank you SO much for allowing us the use of it!  I have it all safe and secure in the library and am waiting upon news of your return to arrange for delivery of your tent (along with some mooovelous parting gifts from your friends in Kuhneigen).  Please "holler" at us to let us know what times are convenient for you.

Protectorate:  Could Lord Aethelston contact me off list.  I have some info/contact #'s he may find useful.  Also, a chamber of commerce member and photographer (who attended as my guest last year) is trying to get a disc of the photos she took last year to me and is thrilled that we'll be at Ekowa this year...and is planning on attending again!  She's lived a number of years in Saudi Arabia and I think she's going to be a ton of fun!

Elizabeth:  The Golden Years:  I'm still planning on going and I'm still collecting names of those who want to go.  I don't know if it's showing that Thursday or not yet, but will keep all posted.  I'd like to arrange a full "court" for the event if we can and perhaps hold court in the lobby of the theatre...and perhaps get a little PR as well????? Hmmmmm......

Laurel's Field Day.  We're so sorry to have missed it but that morning as I rose to get ready to go, my daughter called with an announcement.....

I'll be a grandmother come the spring!

So obviously I went and spent the day with my daughter and missed Laurel's.  I'm sure you all understand.  However, if there are any flyers/handouts/ etc.  regarding Nalbinding, embroidery, Layered Painting, etc.  I'd love a copy.  

To those of you I've done sewing for...obviously I'm going to be sewing for someone a lot smaller in the next few months. (NEW BABY!)  So I'm taking an unspecified Hiatus on taking on sewing jobs.  However I'm still hosting a private Ladies sewing party on Friday, the 7th of September (starting at 6PM).  contact me offlist for more information.

Bjorn sends his greetings to all and asks me to let you know he's planning on being back to fighter practices, but we're all still trying to get acclimated to his shift change.  There's a Kuhneigen Pop meeting tonight (after Summer Reader's Prize Night) at the Maysville Public Library if any would like to attend.

Also, I've got a few buy one get one free tickets to frontier city.  I'm taking my teen readers on saturday if anyone wants to attend with us contact me off list and I'll share tickets as long as I have some.

We hope to see you all soon... 
Lady Samarah Basimah Latifa al Dhakira bint Anaan bint Mellilah 

God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up,in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey you go, go with God.

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