[Namron] Fwd: [Wiesenfeuer] FW: Walmart Fabric Department

William Herron fitzbubba at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 08:03:45 PST 2007

>From "The Oklahoman", January 26th, 2007.  Mr Wertz is a "spokesman" for


Questions and Answers with William Wertz;
Wal-Mart expands departments, becomes energy-efficient
  Trisha Evans, Business Writer

  Q: Did Wal-Mart close its fabric departments nationwide or just in certain
stores? Which stores in Oklahoma does this affect?

A: Wal- Mart has not closed fabric departments throughout the nation or
throughout Oklahoma. In fact, we will continue to carry fabric, as before,
in most of our stores. We have announced plans to convert the fabric and
crafts department in a few stores to a newly expanded assortment of
merchandise that focuses on life's "celebrations." In other words, we'll
offer merchandise and new ideas for holidays, weddings, birthdays and other
similar events. In Oklahoma, current plans call for making this change in
four stores: Sapulpa, Bristow, Moore and NW Edmond. The Bristow store is the
only one in which this change is taking place immediately. The others will
be changed between now and April. After April we will evaluate results and
decide whether to make the change in additional stores.

Q: What were the reasons behind this?

A: It's part of our emphasis on being a store of the community. Our research
indicates a change of this kind will better meet the needs of our customers
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