[Namron] Populace Synopsis from Acting Hospitaler

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 12 10:38:17 PST 2007

Lady Isobel, 

Thanks so much for the update!  What a great idea!  My Bjorn and I fell asleep in our recliners and missed the meeting last week. (I have garb for you in the back seat of my car, by the way).  So this "unofficial" posting was very helpful and informative for us!

good job
Lady Samarah Basimah Latifa al Dhakira bint Anaan bint Mellilah 

God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up,in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey you go, go with God.

----- Original Message ----
From: Isobel de Kirkbryde <kirkbryde at yahoo.com>
To: Barony of Namron <namron at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:46:28 PM
Subject: [Namron] Populace Synopsis from Acting Hospitaler

NOTE:  This is for information purposes only and is not official!  Any ommissions are strictly happenstance and not deliberate in any way.  Please take this information in the spirit in which it is intended -- as a way to keep information and communication flowing in the Barony!!

As Acting Hospitaler I feel it is important not only to welcome newcomers with open arms, but also to keep our veteran members informed of activities and ways they can help. 

Our Populace meeting was held last night at the library of Norman High School. 

The notes below are my notes of what I got from the meeting.  These are NOT OFFICIIAL in any capacity, but are a way to try and keep those who are in outlying areas informed of what is happening in the Barony. 

1.  The January Plume was supplemented by an insert for February.  This was because the weather had prevented the Jan. Plume from being distributed.  The March Plume will be a full publication again.  Deadline for submissions to the Plume is February 20 or the Tuesday after Axeman. 

2.  No new business from the Treasurer because of the moratorium on activity due to the end of the year.  End of year reports have been submitted.  The pass the hat netted approximatly $20 in doanations. If you have receipts for reimbursement get them to the treasurer. 

3. There was discussion of a flier for Med Faire that would be a single sheet, cheap to produce, yet useful to announce who we are.  The position of hospitaler is still open.  Application deadline is February 20 -- the next populace meeting.  For Med Faire, it was suggested that we have a sign up sheet and that the new hospitaler follow up with every single entry to be sure that we make folks aware of who we are and give them every opportunity to participate. 

In preparation for Med Faire and those who will need to borrow garb to attend (folks in the Barony and not the general public), there will be a garb organizing day held.  For those not attending Gulf Wars, it will be an opportunity to help organize garb.  It will be held at Lady Isobel's house in Norman on March 17 at 2:30 p.m.  Snacks will be provided, but she asks that people bring what ever sodas, etc. they want to drink. 

4. Med Faire food and drink is being coordinated by Una of Skorragardr.  A sign up sheet was sent around.  If you want to donate items, contact Una at a_silverswan at yahoo.com

5. Fighter marshall asked for tabbards for newcomers to fight a knight at Med Faire.  According to the Earl Marshall this is OK.  However, the Seneschal is going to check with the Med Faire coordinators before this moves forward.  Annabelle has tabbard kits that can be put together.  Those who want to help with sewing those need to contact her 

Indoor fighter practice continues in OK City at Lady Ayesha's place of work.  This is to learn foot work, techniques, etc., and is different from the Sunday practices.  The weather has prevented fighter practices, but Lord Terrance hopes to have some outdoor fighter practices in Feb. 

6. The regional scribe, Lady Anya from House Moo stated that there would be no charter painting on 2/14 to allow folks to romance their significant others.  Schedule will resume on 2/21.  She has had good luck with a local printer and they are currently working on some Kingdom charters.  Anyone who is interested is encouraged to attend.  Training is available.  There is even some work being done on scrolls that are done individually. 

7.  Beltane is coming up May 4-6.  Beltane Stewards are Mistress Stacia and Lord Owen.  They ask for everyone to pitch in and make this a fun event.  More details on plans will be forthcoming as we near the event. 

8.  Seneschal mentioned that we have the positions of Rapier Marshall, Equestrian Marshall, Youth Boffer Marshall, and Archer Marshall vacant.  Anyone interested in those positions needs to apply by getting an application to Their Excellencies, the Seneschal, and the Regional officer. 

9.  Post Med Faire, Their Excellencies ask Namron to participate in a Namron encampment at Weisenfeuer Baronial.  This will likely be the first event for those who are interested after attending Med Faire. 

10.  Med Faire coordinator is Lord Wolfgang and Lord Pooky is the Deputy.  They will be setting up on Wed. before Med Faire.  If you are interested in assisting with Med Faire, please contact one of them. 

11.  The Girl Scouts have contacted Their Excellencies and are interested in some help for a demo.  The dates conflict with Barat and Jacqueline's wedding.  If you are not planning on attending the wedding and can help with the demo, please contact Their Excellencies.

Lady Isobel de Kirkbryde
Deputy Hospitaler, Barony of Namron
Guild Head of the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis, Kingdom of Ansteorra
Member of Clann Lochlan

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