[Namron] Friday night after Med Fair

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 21:05:05 PDT 2007

Danged if I don't need to have a bit o'fun myself!  In past years we've had a bunch go to dinner, but I'm up for whatever.  Just let us know!

Lady Samarah Basimah Latifa al Dhakira bint Anaan bint Mellilah 

God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up,in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey you go, go with God.

----- Original Message ----
From: Kirsten Pupek <dnk_p at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:23:02 PM
Subject: [Namron] Friday night after Med Fair

Greetings all,
Just a note to see if anyone would be up for doing something fun ... dinner, a movie, pizza and a movie or games at someone's house ... just something fun ... Friday night after Med Fair. I have been kinda down in the dumps this week about having been laid off from my job and the ongoing struggle to get a new one and I just need to have a good time. I know that there is the revel on Saturday night, but I was wanting to do something Friday as we may not be able to attend the revel on Saturday (it's a long story LOL). Anyhoo ... please feel free to repsond to the list or to my private e-mail. 
Hugs to you all,
Katarina and Orlando 

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