[Namron] Beltane Games Plans and Progress Report

sandra goodrich tgnst at swbell.net
Tue Mar 6 12:51:36 PST 2007

Greetings on behalf of Owen and Myself, 
  Namron Beltaine Games
  May 4-6. 2007
  Will Rogers Scout Reservation, Which is located 4.5 miles west of Cleveland. Oklahoma on Highway 64 in Pawnee County
  Autocrats Lord Owen Stott and Ms. 'Stacia Travarra
  Master Tarl Godric, Quest n Dragon
  HL Adena Terricsdottir will see that Games are run, and will be armed with bell
  Treasurer Lady Jacqueline Reynalds will be in charge of Gate
  Site Fee $6.00 for Adults 18 and older, $4.00 8-17 years old, younger free, Family cap  $18.00. Simple pin-on site tokens have been arranged, site rules and schedules will be posted at the gate, at the hall, and at the bath house, trash bag issued per car, butt cans available...
  Baronial Tavern is $7.00, $3.00 for drinks only, Tentative plans are for Beans with ham-hocks and Cornbread for Friday night, Breakfast Saturday, and various soups and potages for lunch and dinner... We have tavern tokens, ribbons will be clipped as you are served.. The Tavern will be located in the hall...
  Disposables will not be available, dishwashing services will be available at the tavern for a nominal fee, washing of dishes in restroom sinks is strictly forbodden... 
  There will be a Food competition in concert with the Tavern, Bake-goods, homemade cheeses, pickled things, etc... Items will be portioned and available al le cart, all entrants will receive tickets for the volunteer raffle  in recognition of their time and effort, and the item earning the most coin per portion,including tips, will receive a prize,...:-)
  There will be a volunteer raffle, tickets will be gifted in recognition of time and effort. 
  We want everyone to enjoy their Beltane, including all the staff and Baronial Officers, as well as Our Seated Nobles, :-)... 
  We are minimizing the amount of  gear to be toted to and from, and trying to best utilize resources and volunteer labor...
  We will be collecting items for prizes and raffle items, we will be assembling baskets for most of the prizes, please label all donations so that proper word fame and appreciation  can be given...  Please restrain and limit your frogocity, :-)
  The Beltane will be based on the traditions established by Baron Bjorn. along with 'Stacia, Caitlin, and Tarl...:-)
  The May Queen and Spang Princess will be chosen by lots at Morning Court and crowned with Flower wreaths, for which Contessa Vanessa has kindly donated flowers. :-)
  A Sun Cake will be presented and offered to the populace, which Lady Katherine Gordon has kindly accepted the invitation to bake, :-), There will be a Maypole,,,
  The traditional games of Tug O'War, Spanghewn, Greco Roman Wrestling, Caber Toss, and Boats will be offered...Winners of individual contests will be wreathed, all will be gifted in some manner...
  This years Tug O'War will be a group challenge, dress accordingly if you wish to 'pull' for Namron,  Group that wins will claim bragging rights, :-)
  The Baronial Championships will be run in consort with outgoing Champions and Their Excellencies, according to any rules appertaining, the Titles to be vied for are for Bardic, A&S, Archery, and Brewing... 
  Fairy opens at Beltane... Master Tarl will be running a quest in parts, the first being an armored combat challenge against 'The Dragon', teams of five suggested, the order of fighting to be chosen by lots...
  The second will be a challenge of thought, skill, and wit...There will be treasure to be divide
  Whew, more as time progresses...
  In Service,
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