[Namron] [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] Grape Wars and family matters

Samarrah bint Annaan samarrah_bint_annaan at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 08:41:09 PDT 2007

I want to appologize, again, that Bjorn and I were unable to attend to our promised committments at Grape War this past weekend.  We are currently weighing our options on whether or not to try and get to see him mom in California for a few days before things take a turn for the worse.  We very much want to support this effort in coming years and we hope to be there in some service or another to our fellow SCAdians of Skorragard for many years to come.

I again, want to thank each and everyone of you who offered prayers and sent kind words to us.  The e-mails and phone calls and encouragement have touched both our hearts.  I simply can not tell you how much it' meant to us without getting all leaky and blubbery, and I'm at work...so I have to maintain my composure a bit.....:o)

I also want to say that although there are often conflicts of opinion and personalities within both the Barony and Canton and even way down in Little old Kuhniegen, Bjorn and I have never met a group of people who at their deepest level are very generous and kind and loving.  For all the little burs that get under saddles and bees in people's bonnetts, if you take an honest look at the people playing this game around you, you'll find most are just doing their best to make this game "mo' bettah" for their fellow compatriates and friends.

We all share this passion for history, art, science, comraderie and fun, and we all want to have that special sense of community and of belonging.  It's okay to have differing opinions, and it's ok to get aggrivated and annoyed, but let's all remember that we are here to PLAY together, and we should endeavor to continue to Play with honor, dignity, consideration and chivalry.

To close, I would like to quote from a peice written in 1904 by a young Mary Stewart of Longmont, Colorado.  It is a prayer meant to empower women to work together during the sufferagette movement, but I think it works for many situations:

"Keep us O God from pettiness, let us be large in thought in word, in deed;

Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking.

May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without predjudice.

May we never be hast in judgment and always generous.

Let us take time for all things:  make us to grow calm, serene, and gentle.

Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-for-ward, and unafraid.


And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all, and, O Lord God, let us forget not to be kind."

You don't even have to believe in any god to find the wisdom, kindness and comfort in her words.  I hope that this peace touches your hearts as you have all touched mine.

I remain, your friend, 
Lady Samarah Basimah Latifa al Dhakira bint Anaan bint Mellilah 

God be with you in every pass. Jesus be with you on every hill. Spirit be with you in every stream, headland, ridge and law, each sea and land, each moor and meadow, lying down and rising up,in the trough of the waves or on the crest of the billow. Each step of the journey you go, go with God.

----- Original Message ----
From: Connie Wasson <araearn at yahoo.com>
To: Skorragardr <skorragardrvirtualskald at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:28:53 PM
Subject: [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] Grape Wars

I had a good time today at War.  Sorry more people could not be out, weather was good and is expected to be good tomorrow.  After the event is over I will give a count of how many were there.
I met people from Arkansas, Kansas and California that were there because of the Demo and the wine.  Most people will tell you to try a Frozen Rose, they are wonderful, but I am a rose collector (so are my gophers).  
To those of us who made it be sure to tell everyone in later years that you were at the first Grape War.  
Talking to merchants, most agree they will come back.  Even with higher gas prices most were making or breaking even.  
Hope to see new faces tomorrow.      

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
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